Create PageFormats on a higher level : Print « 2D Graphics GUI « Java

Create PageFormats on a higher level

 * JFreeReport : a free Java reporting library
 * Project Info:
 * (C) Copyright 2001-2007, by Object Refinery Ltd, Pentaho Corporation and Contributors.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
 * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
 * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * in the United States and other countries.]
 * ------------
 * ------------
 * (C) Copyright 2001-2007, by Object Refinery Ltd, Pentaho Corporation and Contributors.

import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.awt.print.Paper;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import sun.rmi.runtime.Log;

 * The PageFormatFactory is used to create PageFormats on a higher level. The Factory contains templates for all
 * PageSizes defined by Adobe:
 * <p/>
 * <a href="" >Postscript Specifications</a>
 * <p/>
 * Usage for creating an printjob on A4 paper with 2.5 cm border:
 * <pre>
 * Paper paper = PageFormatFactory.createPaper (PageSize.A4);
 * PageFormatFactory.setBordersMm (paper, 25, 25, 25, 25);
 * PageFormat format = PageFormatFactory.createPageFormat (paper, PageFormat.PORTRAIT);
 * </code>
 * <p/>
 * Defining a pageformat can be an ugly task and full of dependencies. The call to
 * PageFormatFactory.setBorders(...) will setup the paper's border and always assumes
 * that the paper is laid out in Portrait.
 * <p/>
 * Changing the PageFormat's orientation does not change the PageFormat's paper object,
 * but it changes the way, how the paper object is interpreted.
 * @author Thomas Morgner
public final class PageFormatFactory

   * Constant for dots per inch.
   * @deprecated Not used anywhere.
  public static final int DOTS_PER_INCH = 72;

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PAPER11X17 = {792, 1224};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PAPER10X11 = {720, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PAPER10X13 = {720, 936};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PAPER10X14 = {720, 1008};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PAPER12X11 = {864, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PAPER15X11 = {1080, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PAPER7X9 = {504, 648};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PAPER8X10 = {576, 720};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PAPER9X11 = {648, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PAPER9X12 = {648, 864};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A0 = {2384, 3370};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A1 = {1684, 2384};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A2 = {1191, 1684};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A3 = {842, 1191};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A3_TRANSVERSE = {842, 1191};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A3_EXTRA = {913, 1262};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A3_EXTRATRANSVERSE = {913, 1262};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A3_ROTATED = {1191, 842};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A4 = {595, 842};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A4_TRANSVERSE = {595, 842};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A4_EXTRA = {667, 914};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A4_PLUS = {595, 936};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A4_ROTATED = {842, 595};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A4_SMALL = {595, 842};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A5 = {420, 595};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A5_TRANSVERSE = {420, 595};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A5_EXTRA = {492, 668};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A5_ROTATED = {595, 420};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A6 = {297, 420};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A6_ROTATED = {420, 297};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A7 = {210, 297};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A8 = {148, 210};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A9 = {105, 148};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] A10 = {73, 105};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ANSIC = {1224, 1584};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ANSID = {1584, 2448};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ANSIE = {2448, 3168};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ARCHA = {648, 864};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ARCHB = {864, 1296};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ARCHC = {1296, 1728};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ARCHD = {1728, 2592};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ARCHE = {2592, 3456};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B0 = {2920, 4127};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B1 = {2064, 2920};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B2 = {1460, 2064};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B3 = {1032, 1460};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B4 = {729, 1032};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B4_ROTATED = {1032, 729};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B5 = {516, 729};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B5_TRANSVERSE = {516, 729};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B5_ROTATED = {729, 516};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B6 = {363, 516};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B6_ROTATED = {516, 363};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B7 = {258, 363};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B8 = {181, 258};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B9 = {127, 181};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] B10 = {91, 127};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] C4 = {649, 918};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] C5 = {459, 649};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] C6 = {323, 459};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] COMM10 = {297, 684};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] DL = {312, 624};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] DOUBLEPOSTCARD = {567, 419};  // should be 419.5, but I ignore that..

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] DOUBLEPOSTCARD_ROTATED = {419, 567};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENV9 = {279, 639};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENV10 = {297, 684};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENV11 = {324, 747};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENV12 = {342, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENV14 = {360, 828};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVC0 = {2599, 3676};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVC1 = {1837, 2599};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVC2 = {1298, 1837};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVC3 = {918, 1296};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVC4 = {649, 918};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVC5 = {459, 649};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVC6 = {323, 459};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVC65 = {324, 648};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVC7 = {230, 323};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVCHOU3 = {340, 666};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVCHOU3_ROTATED = {666, 340};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVCHOU4 = {255, 581};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVCHOU4_ROTATED = {581, 255};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVDL = {312, 624};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVINVITE = {624, 624};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVISOB4 = {708, 1001};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVISOB5 = {499, 709};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVISOB6 = {499, 354};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVITALIAN = {312, 652};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVELOPE = {312, 652};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVKAKU2 = {680, 941};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVKAKU2_ROTATED = {941, 680};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVKAKU3 = {612, 785};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVKAKU3_ROTATED = {785, 612};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVMONARCH = {279, 540};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPERSONAL = {261, 468};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC1 = {289, 468};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC1_ROTATED = {468, 289};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC2 = {289, 499};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC2_ROTATED = {499, 289};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC3 = {354, 499};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC3_ROTATED = {499, 354};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC4 = {312, 590};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC4_ROTATED = {590, 312};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC5 = {312, 624};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC5_ROTATED = {624, 312};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC6 = {340, 652};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC6_ROTATED = {652, 340};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC7 = {454, 652};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC7_ROTATED = {652, 454};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC8 = {340, 876};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC8_ROTATED = {876, 340};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC9 = {649, 918};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC9_ROTATED = {918, 649};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC10 = {918, 1298};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVPRC10_ROTATED = {1298, 918};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVYOU4 = {298, 666};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ENVYOU4_ROTATED = {666, 298};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] EXECUTIVE = {522, 756};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] FANFOLDUS = {1071, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] FANFOLDGERMAN = {612, 864};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] FANFOLDGERMANLEGAL = {612, 936};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] FOLIO = {595, 935};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB0 = {2835, 4008};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB1 = {2004, 2835};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB2 = {1417, 2004};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB3 = {1001, 1417};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB4 = {709, 1001};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB5 = {499, 709};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB5_EXTRA = {570, 782};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB6 = {354, 499};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB7 = {249, 354};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB8 = {176, 249};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB9 = {125, 176};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] ISOB10 = {88, 125};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] LEDGER = {1224, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] LEGAL = {612, 1008};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] LEGAL_EXTRA = {684, 1080};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] LETTER = {612, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] LETTER_TRANSVERSE = {612, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] LETTER_EXTRA = {684, 864};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] LETTER_EXTRATRANSVERSE = {684, 864};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] LETTER_PLUS = {612, 914};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] LETTER_ROTATED = {792, 612};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] LETTER_SMALL = {612, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] MONARCH = ENVMONARCH;

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] NOTE = {612, 792};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] POSTCARD = {284, 419};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] POSTCARD_ROTATED = {419, 284};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PRC16K = {414, 610};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PRC16K_ROTATED = {610, 414};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PRC32K = {275, 428};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PRC32K_ROTATED = {428, 275};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PRC32K_BIG = {275, 428};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] PRC32K_BIGROTATED = {428, 275};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] QUARTO = {610, 780};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] STATEMENT = {396, 612};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] SUPERA = {643, 1009};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] SUPERB = {864, 1380};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] TABLOID = {792, 1224};

   * A standard paper size.
   * @deprecated Using public static arrays is dangerous.
  public static final int[] TABLOIDEXTRA = {864, 1296};

   * A single instance of the factory.
  private static PageFormatFactory singleton;

   * Default constructor.
  private PageFormatFactory()

   * Returns a single instance of the factory.
   * @return an instance of a PageFormatFactory.
  public static PageFormatFactory getInstance()
    if (singleton == null)
      singleton = new PageFormatFactory();
    return singleton;

   * Creates a paper by using the paper size in points found in the int-array. The array must have a length of 2 and the
   * first value of this array has to contain the width and the second the height parameter. The created Paper has no
   * ImagableArea defined.
   * @param papersize the definition of the papersize in a 2-element int-array
   * @return the created paper
  public Paper createPaper(final int[] papersize)
    if (papersize.length != 2)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Paper must have a width and a height");

    return createPaper(papersize[0], papersize[1]);

   * Creates a paper by using the paper size in points found in the int-array. The array must have a length of 2 and the
   * first value of this array has to contain the width and the second the height parameter. The created Paper has no
   * ImagableArea defined.
   * @param papersize the definition of the papersize in a 2-element int-array
   * @return the created paper
  public Paper createPaper(final PageSize papersize)
    return createPaper(papersize.getWidth(), papersize.getHeight());

   * Creates a paper by using the paper size in points. The created Paper has no ImagableArea defined.
   * @param width  the width of the paper in points
   * @param height the height of the paper in points
   * @return the created paper
   * @deprecated Use the double version instead.
  public Paper createPaper(final int width, final int height)
    return createPaper((double) width, (double) height);

   * Creates a paper by using the paper size in points. The created Paper has no ImagableArea defined.
   * @param width  the width of the paper in points
   * @param height the height of the paper in points
   * @return the created paper
  public Paper createPaper(final double width, final double height)
    final Paper p = new Paper();
    p.setSize(width, height);
    setBorders(p, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    return p;

   * Defines the imageable area of the given paper by adjusting the border around the imagable area. The bordersizes are
   * given in points.
   * @param paper  the paper that should be modified
   * @param top    the bordersize of the top-border
   * @param left   the border in points in the left
   * @param bottom the border in points in the bottom
   * @param right  the border in points in the right
  public void setBorders(final Paper paper, final double top,
                         final double left, final double bottom, final double right)
    final double w = paper.getWidth() - (right + left);
    final double h = paper.getHeight() - (bottom + top);
    paper.setImageableArea(left, top, w, h);

   * Defines the imageable area of the given paper by adjusting the border around the imagable area. The bordersizes are
   * given in inches.
   * @param paper  the paper that should be modified
   * @param top    the bordersize of the top-border
   * @param left   the border in points in the left
   * @param bottom the border in points in the bottom
   * @param right  the border in points in the right
  public void setBordersInch
      (final Paper paper, final double top, final double left,
       final double bottom, final double right)
    setBorders(paper, convertInchToPoints(top), convertInchToPoints(left),
        convertInchToPoints(bottom), convertInchToPoints(right));

   * Defines the imageable area of the given paper by adjusting the border around the imagable area. The bordersizes are
   * given in millimeters.
   * @param paper  the paper that should be modified
   * @param top    the bordersize of the top-border
   * @param left   the border in points in the left
   * @param bottom the border in points in the bottom
   * @param right  the border in points in the right
  public void setBordersMm
      (final Paper paper, final double top, final double left,
       final double bottom, final double right)
    setBorders(paper, convertMmToPoints(top), convertMmToPoints(left),
        convertMmToPoints(bottom), convertMmToPoints(right));

   * Converts the given inch value to a valid point-value.
   * @param inches the size in inch
   * @return the size in points
  public double convertInchToPoints(final double inches)
    return inches * 72.0f;

   * Converts the given millimeter value to a valid point-value.
   * @param mm the size in inch
   * @return the size in points
  public double convertMmToPoints(final double mm)
    return mm * (72.0d / 254.0d) * 10;

   * Creates a new pageformat using the given paper and the given orientation.
   * @param paper       the paper to use in the new pageformat
   * @param orientation one of PageFormat.PORTRAIT, PageFormat.LANDSCAPE or PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE
   * @return the created Pageformat
   * @throws NullPointerException if the paper given was null
  public PageFormat createPageFormat(final Paper paper, final int orientation)
    if (paper == null)
      throw new NullPointerException("Paper given must not be null");
    final PageFormat pf = new PageFormat();
    return pf;

   * Creates a paper by looking up the given Uppercase name in this classes defined constants. The value if looked up by
   * introspection, if the value is not defined in this class, null is returned.
   * @param name the name of the constant defining the papersize
   * @return the defined paper or null, if the name was invalid.
  public Paper createPaper(final String name)
      final Field f = PageSize.class.getDeclaredField(name);
      final Object o = f.get(null);
      if (o instanceof PageSize == false)
        // Log.debug ("Is no valid pageformat definition");
        return null;
      final PageSize pageformat = (PageSize) o;
      return createPaper(pageformat);
    catch (NoSuchFieldException nfe)
      // Log.debug ("There is no pageformat " + name + " defined.");
      return null;
    catch (IllegalAccessException aie)
      // Log.debug ("There is no pageformat " + name + " accessible.");
      return null;

   * Logs the page format.
   * @param pf the page format.
  public static void logPageFormat(final PageFormat pf)
    System.out.println("PageFormat: Width: " + pf.getWidth() + " Height: " + pf.getHeight());
    System.out.println("PageFormat: Image: X " + pf.getImageableX()
        + " Y " + pf.getImageableY()
        + " W: " + pf.getImageableWidth()
        + " H: " + pf.getImageableHeight());
    System.out.println("PageFormat: Margins: X " + pf.getImageableX()
        + " Y " + pf.getImageableY()
        + " X2: " + (pf.getImageableWidth() + pf.getImageableX())
        + " Y2: " + (pf.getImageableHeight() + pf.getImageableY()));

   * Logs the paper size.
   * @param pf the paper size.
  public static void logPaper(final Paper pf)
    System.out.println("Paper: Width: " + pf.getWidth() + " Height: " + pf.getHeight());
    System.out.println("Paper: Image: X " + pf.getImageableX()
        + " Y " + pf.getImageableY()
        + " H: " + pf.getImageableHeight()
        + " W: " + pf.getImageableWidth());

   * Tests, whether the given two page format objects are equal.
   * @param pf1 the first page format that should be compared.
   * @param pf2 the second page format that should be compared.
   * @return true, if both page formats are equal, false otherwise.
  public static boolean isEqual(final PageFormat pf1, final PageFormat pf2)
    if (pf1 == pf2)
      return true;
    if (pf1 == null || pf2 == null)
      return false;

    if (pf1.getOrientation() != pf2.getOrientation())
      return false;
    final Paper p1 = pf1.getPaper();
    final Paper p2 = pf2.getPaper();

    if (p1.getWidth() != p2.getWidth())
      return false;
    if (p1.getHeight() != p2.getHeight())
      return false;
    if (p1.getImageableX() != p2.getImageableX())
      return false;
    if (p1.getImageableY() != p2.getImageableY())
      return false;
    if (p1.getImageableWidth() != p2.getImageableWidth())
      return false;
    if (p1.getImageableHeight() != p2.getImageableHeight())
      return false;
    return true;

   * Returns the left border of the given paper.
   * @param p the paper that defines the borders.
   * @return the left border.
  public double getLeftBorder(final Paper p)
    return p.getImageableX();

   * Returns the right border of the given paper.
   * @param p the paper that defines the borders.
   * @return the right border.
  public double getRightBorder(final Paper p)
    return p.getWidth() - (p.getImageableX() + p.getImageableWidth());

   * Returns the top border of the given paper.
   * @param p the paper that defines the borders.
   * @return the top border.
  public double getTopBorder(final Paper p)
    return p.getImageableY();

   * Returns the bottom border of the given paper.
   * @param p the paper that defines the borders.
   * @return the bottom border.
  public double getBottomBorder(final Paper p)
    return p.getHeight() - (p.getImageableY() + p.getImageableHeight());

   * Resolves a page format, so that the result can be serialized.
   * @param format the page format that should be prepared for serialisation.
   * @return the prepared page format data.
   * @deprecated This functionality is part of JCommon-Serializer
  public Object[] resolvePageFormat(final PageFormat format)
    final Integer orientation = new Integer(format.getOrientation());
    final Paper p = format.getPaper();
    final float[] fdim = new float[]{(float) p.getWidth(), (float) p.getHeight()};
    final float[] rect = new float[]{(float) p.getImageableX(),
        (float) p.getImageableY(),
        (float) p.getImageableWidth(),
        (float) p.getImageableHeight()};
    return new Object[]{orientation, fdim, rect};

   * Restores a page format after it has been serialized.
   * @param data the serialized page format data.
   * @return the restored page format.
   * @deprecated This functionality is part of JCommon-Serializer
  public PageFormat createPageFormat(final Object[] data)
    final Integer orientation = (Integer) data[0];
    final float[] dim = (float[]) data[1];
    final float[] rect = (float[]) data[2];
    final Paper p = new Paper();
    p.setSize(dim[0], dim[1]);
    p.setImageableArea(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]);
    final PageFormat format = new PageFormat();
    return format;

  public Insets getPageMargins (final PageFormat format)

    final int marginLeft = (int) format.getImageableX();
    final int marginRight = (int)
                (format.getWidth() - format.getImageableWidth() - format.getImageableX());
    final int marginTop = (int) (format.getImageableY());
    final int marginBottom = (int)
                (format.getHeight() - format.getImageableHeight() - format.getImageableY());
    return new Insets(marginTop, marginLeft, marginBottom, marginRight);

 * JFreeReport : a free Java reporting library
 * Project Info:
 * (C) Copyright 2001-2007, by Object Refinery Ltd, Pentaho Corporation and Contributors.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
 * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
 * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * in the United States and other countries.]
 * ------------
 * ------------
 * (C) Copyright 2001-2007, by Object Refinery Ltd, Pentaho Corporation and Contributors.

 * A class defining a page-dimension.
 * @author Thomas Morgner
final class PageSize
   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PAPER11X17 = new PageSize(792, 1224);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PAPER10X11 = new PageSize(720, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PAPER10X13 = new PageSize(720, 936);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PAPER10X14 = new PageSize(720, 1008);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PAPER12X11 = new PageSize(864, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PAPER15X11 = new PageSize(1080, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PAPER7X9 = new PageSize(504, 648);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PAPER8X10 = new PageSize(576, 720);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PAPER9X11 = new PageSize(648, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PAPER9X12 = new PageSize(648, 864);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A0 = new PageSize(2384, 3370);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A1 = new PageSize(1684, 2384);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A2 = new PageSize(1191, 1684);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A3 = new PageSize(842, 1191);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A3_TRANSVERSE = new PageSize(842, 1191);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A3_EXTRA = new PageSize(913, 1262);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A3_EXTRATRANSVERSE = new PageSize(913, 1262);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A3_ROTATED = new PageSize(1191, 842);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A4 = new PageSize(595, 842);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A4_TRANSVERSE = new PageSize(595, 842);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A4_EXTRA = new PageSize(667, 914);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A4_PLUS = new PageSize(595, 936);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A4_ROTATED = new PageSize(842, 595);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A4_SMALL = new PageSize(595, 842);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A5 = new PageSize(420, 595);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A5_TRANSVERSE = new PageSize(420, 595);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A5_EXTRA = new PageSize(492, 668);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A5_ROTATED = new PageSize(595, 420);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A6 = new PageSize(297, 420);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A6_ROTATED = new PageSize(420, 297);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A7 = new PageSize(210, 297);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A8 = new PageSize(148, 210);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A9 = new PageSize(105, 148);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize A10 = new PageSize(73, 105);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ANSIC = new PageSize(1224, 1584);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ANSID = new PageSize(1584, 2448);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ANSIE = new PageSize(2448, 3168);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ARCHA = new PageSize(648, 864);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ARCHB = new PageSize(864, 1296);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ARCHC = new PageSize(1296, 1728);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ARCHD = new PageSize(1728, 2592);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ARCHE = new PageSize(2592, 3456);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B0 = new PageSize(2920, 4127);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B1 = new PageSize(2064, 2920);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B2 = new PageSize(1460, 2064);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B3 = new PageSize(1032, 1460);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B4 = new PageSize(729, 1032);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B4_ROTATED = new PageSize(1032, 729);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B5 = new PageSize(516, 729);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B5_TRANSVERSE = new PageSize(516, 729);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B5_ROTATED = new PageSize(729, 516);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B6 = new PageSize(363, 516);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B6_ROTATED = new PageSize(516, 363);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B7 = new PageSize(258, 363);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B8 = new PageSize(181, 258);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B9 = new PageSize(127, 181);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize B10 = new PageSize(91, 127);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize C4 = new PageSize(649, 918);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize C5 = new PageSize(459, 649);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize C6 = new PageSize(323, 459);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize COMM10 = new PageSize(297, 684);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize DL = new PageSize(312, 624);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize DOUBLEPOSTCARD = new PageSize(567, 419);  // should be 419.5, but I ignore that..

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize DOUBLEPOSTCARD_ROTATED = new PageSize(419, 567);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENV9 = new PageSize(279, 639);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENV10 = new PageSize(297, 684);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENV11 = new PageSize(324, 747);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENV12 = new PageSize(342, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENV14 = new PageSize(360, 828);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVC0 = new PageSize(2599, 3676);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVC1 = new PageSize(1837, 2599);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVC2 = new PageSize(1298, 1837);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVC3 = new PageSize(918, 1296);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVC4 = new PageSize(649, 918);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVC5 = new PageSize(459, 649);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVC6 = new PageSize(323, 459);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVC65 = new PageSize(324, 648);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVC7 = new PageSize(230, 323);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVCHOU3 = new PageSize(340, 666);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVCHOU3_ROTATED = new PageSize(666, 340);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVCHOU4 = new PageSize(255, 581);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVCHOU4_ROTATED = new PageSize(581, 255);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVDL = new PageSize(312, 624);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVINVITE = new PageSize(624, 624);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVISOB4 = new PageSize(708, 1001);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVISOB5 = new PageSize(499, 709);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVISOB6 = new PageSize(499, 354);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVITALIAN = new PageSize(312, 652);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVELOPE = new PageSize(312, 652);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVKAKU2 = new PageSize(680, 941);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVKAKU2_ROTATED = new PageSize(941, 680);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVKAKU3 = new PageSize(612, 785);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVKAKU3_ROTATED = new PageSize(785, 612);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVMONARCH = new PageSize(279, 540);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPERSONAL = new PageSize(261, 468);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC1 = new PageSize(289, 468);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC1_ROTATED = new PageSize(468, 289);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC2 = new PageSize(289, 499);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC2_ROTATED = new PageSize(499, 289);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC3 = new PageSize(354, 499);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC3_ROTATED = new PageSize(499, 354);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC4 = new PageSize(312, 590);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC4_ROTATED = new PageSize(590, 312);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC5 = new PageSize(312, 624);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC5_ROTATED = new PageSize(624, 312);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC6 = new PageSize(340, 652);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC6_ROTATED = new PageSize(652, 340);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC7 = new PageSize(454, 652);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC7_ROTATED = new PageSize(652, 454);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC8 = new PageSize(340, 876);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC8_ROTATED = new PageSize(876, 340);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC9 = new PageSize(649, 918);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC9_ROTATED = new PageSize(918, 649);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC10 = new PageSize(918, 1298);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVPRC10_ROTATED = new PageSize(1298, 918);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVYOU4 = new PageSize(298, 666);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ENVYOU4_ROTATED = new PageSize(666, 298);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize EXECUTIVE = new PageSize(522, 756);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize FANFOLDUS = new PageSize(1071, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize FANFOLDGERMAN = new PageSize(612, 864);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize FANFOLDGERMANLEGAL = new PageSize(612, 936);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize FOLIO = new PageSize(595, 935);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB0 = new PageSize(2835, 4008);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB1 = new PageSize(2004, 2835);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB2 = new PageSize(1417, 2004);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB3 = new PageSize(1001, 1417);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB4 = new PageSize(709, 1001);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB5 = new PageSize(499, 709);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB5_EXTRA = new PageSize(570, 782);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB6 = new PageSize(354, 499);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB7 = new PageSize(249, 354);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB8 = new PageSize(176, 249);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB9 = new PageSize(125, 176);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize ISOB10 = new PageSize(88, 125);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize LEDGER = new PageSize(1224, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize LEGAL = new PageSize(612, 1008);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize LEGAL_EXTRA = new PageSize(684, 1080);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize LETTER = new PageSize(612, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize LETTER_TRANSVERSE = new PageSize(612, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize LETTER_EXTRA = new PageSize(684, 864);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize LETTER_EXTRATRANSVERSE = new PageSize(684, 864);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize LETTER_PLUS = new PageSize(612, 914);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize LETTER_ROTATED = new PageSize(792, 612);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize LETTER_SMALL = new PageSize(612, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize MONARCH = ENVMONARCH;

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize NOTE = new PageSize(612, 792);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize POSTCARD = new PageSize(284, 419);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize POSTCARD_ROTATED = new PageSize(419, 284);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PRC16K = new PageSize(414, 610);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PRC16K_ROTATED = new PageSize(610, 414);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PRC32K = new PageSize(275, 428);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PRC32K_ROTATED = new PageSize(428, 275);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PRC32K_BIG = new PageSize(275, 428);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize PRC32K_BIGROTATED = new PageSize(428, 275);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize QUARTO = new PageSize(610, 780);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize STATEMENT = new PageSize(396, 612);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize SUPERA = new PageSize(643, 1009);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize SUPERB = new PageSize(864, 1380);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize TABLOID = new PageSize(792, 1224);

   * A standard paper size.
  public static final PageSize TABLOIDEXTRA = new PageSize(864, 1296);

   * The width of the page in point.
  private double width;
   * The height of the page in point.
  private double height;

   * Creates a new page-size object with the given width and height.
   * @param width  the width in point.
   * @param height the height in point.
  public PageSize(final double width, final double height)
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;

   * Returns the page's width.
   * @return the width in point.
  public double getWidth()
    return width;

   * Returns the page's height.
   * @return the height in point.
  public double getHeight()
    return height;

   * Compares this page size with the given object.
   * @param o the other object.
   * @return true, if the given object is also a PageSize object and has the same width and height, false otherwise.
  public boolean equals(final Object o)
    if (this == o)
      return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
      return false;

    final PageSize pageSize = (PageSize) o;

    if (equal(pageSize.height, height) == false)
      return false;
    if (equal(pageSize.width, width) == false)
      return false;

    return true;

   * An internal helper method that compares two doubles for equality.
   * @param d1 the one double.
   * @param d2 the other double.
   * @return true, if both doubles are binary equal, false otherwise.
  private boolean equal(final double d1, final double d2)
    return Double.doubleToLongBits(d1) == Double.doubleToLongBits(d2);

   * Computes a hashcode for this page-size.
   * @return the hashcode.
  public int hashCode()
    long temp = width != +0.0d ? Double.doubleToLongBits(width) : 0L;
    int result = (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
    temp = height != +0.0d ? Double.doubleToLongBits(height) : 0L;
    result = 29 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
    return result;


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32.Setting the Orientation of a Printed Page
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35.Listening for Print Service Status Changes
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37.Overriding the Default Action of a JTextComponent
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