Color Schema Generator : Color Model « 2D Graphics GUI « Java

Color Schema Generator


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// Revised from jaspersoft ireport designer

import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

 * @author gtoffoli
public class ColorSchemaGenerator {

    public final static String SCHEMA_DEFAULT = "default";
    public final static String SCHEMA_PASTEL = "pastel";
    public final static String SCHEMA_SOFT = "soft";
    public final static String SCHEMA_HARD = "hard";
    public final static String SCHEMA_LIGHT = "light";
    public final static String SCHEMA_PALE = "pale";
    private static float[] schema_default = new float[]{ -1f,-1f, 1f,-0.7f, 0.25f,1f, 0.5f,1f };
    private static float[] schema_pastel = new float[]{ 0.5f,-0.9f, 0.5f,0.5f, 0.1f,0.9f, 0.75f,0.75f };
    private static float[] schema_soft = new float[]{ 0.3f,-0.8f, 0.3f,0.5f, 0.1f,0.9f, 0.5f,0.75f };
    private static float[] schema_hard = new float[]{ 1f,-1f, 1f,-0.6f, 0.1f,1f, 0.6f,1f };
    private static float[] schema_light = new float[]{ 0.25f,1f, 0.5f,0.75f, 0.1f,1f, 0.5f,1f };
    private static float[] schema_pale = new float[]{ 0.1f,-0.85f, 0.1f,0.5f, 0.1f,1f, 0.1f,0.75f };
    private static java.util.Map<String, float[]> schemas = new HashMap<String, float[]>();
    static {
        schemas.put(SCHEMA_DEFAULT, schema_default);
        schemas.put(SCHEMA_PASTEL, schema_pastel);
        schemas.put(SCHEMA_SOFT, schema_soft);
        schemas.put(SCHEMA_HARD, schema_hard);
        schemas.put(SCHEMA_LIGHT, schema_light);
        schemas.put(SCHEMA_PALE, schema_pale);
     * Create the schema color.
     * @param base
     * @param i (a color between 0 and 3)
     * @param schemaName
     * @return
    public static Color createColor(Color base, int i, String schemaName)
        i = Math.abs(i %= 3); 
        if (schemaName == null) schemaName = SCHEMA_SOFT;
        float[] schema = schemas.get(schemaName);
        float[] components = Color.RGBtoHSB(base.getRed(), base.getGreen(), base.getBlue(), null);
        components[1] = (schema[i*2] < 0) ? -schema[i*2] * components[1] : schema[i*2];
        if (components[1] > 1) components[1] = 1.0f;
        if (components[1] < 0) components[1] = 0;
        components[2] = (schema[i*2+1] < 0) ? -schema[i*2+1] * components[2] : schema[i*2+1];
        if (components[2] > 1) components[2] = 1.0f;
        if (components[2] < 0) components[2] = 0;
        return new Color( Color.HSBtoRGB(components[0], components[1], components[2]));
    public static List<String> getColors()
        if (colorsList == null)
            colorsList = new ArrayList<String>();
            colorsMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
            for (int i=0; i<colors.length/2; ++i)
                colorsList.add( colors[i*2] );
                colorsMap.put(colors[i*2], colors[(i*2)+1]);
        return colorsList;
    public static Color getColor(String name)
        if (colorsMap == null)
        String rgb = colorsMap.get(name);
        return decodeColor("#"+rgb);
    public static java.awt.Color decodeColor(String colorString)
        java.awt.Color color = null;
        char firstChar = colorString.charAt(0);
        if (firstChar == '#')
               color = new java.awt.Color(Integer.parseInt(colorString.substring(1), 16));
        else if ('0' <= firstChar && firstChar <= '9')
               color = new java.awt.Color(Integer.parseInt(colorString));
               color =;
        return color;


    static private List<String> colorsList = null;
    static private HashMap<String, String> colorsMap = null;
    static private String[] colors = new String[]{


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