Ascii font pattern : Font « 2D Graphics GUI « Java

Ascii font pattern


 * @author Aniruddha Dutta Chowdhury
 * a.d.chowdhury at
 * If provided any string this program will give this type of
 * ouput
@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @@@@@    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class FontAlgo {
  private static final char    CHAR_TO_PATTERN  = '@';
  private static final int    WIDTH      = 50;
  private static final int    HEIGHT      = 50;
  private static final boolean  isReverse    = true;
  private static final Font    appliedFont    = new Font("Couirer new", Font.BOLD, 30);

  private static TextualChar getTextualChar(char a_char) throws Throwable {
    BufferedImage bImg = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics g = bImg.getGraphics();
    g.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    g.drawString(new String(new char[] { a_char }), 10, g.getFontMetrics().getHeight());
    PixelGrabber p = new PixelGrabber(bImg, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, true);

    if (p.grabPixels()) {
      char[][] pattern = new char[WIDTH][HEIGHT];
      int baseColourPixel = 0, contrastColourPixel = 0, x1 = 0, x2 = 0, y1 = 0, y2 = 0;
      int[] pixels = (int[]) p.getPixels();
      baseColourPixel = pixels[0];
      // System.out.println("base: " + base);
      int xCounter = 0, yCounter = 0;
      for (int iPixel : pixels) {
        // System.out.println(iX + " - " + iY);
        if (isReverse) {
          pattern[xCounter][yCounter] = iPixel == baseColourPixel ? CHAR_TO_PATTERN : ' ';
        } else {
          pattern[xCounter][yCounter] = iPixel != baseColourPixel ? CHAR_TO_PATTERN : ' ';

        if (yCounter > 49) {
          yCounter = 0;

        if (contrastColourPixel == 0 && iPixel != baseColourPixel) {
          contrastColourPixel = iPixel;
          x1 = xCounter - 2;
          y1 = yCounter - 3;
          y2 = yCounter + 3;

        if (contrastColourPixel == iPixel) {
          x2 = xCounter + 3;

          if (y1 > (yCounter - 3)) {
            y1 = yCounter - 3;

          if (y2 < (yCounter + 3)) {
            y2 = yCounter + 3;
      return new TextualChar(x1, x2, y1, y2, pattern);
    return null;

  private static List<TextualChar> getTexualChars(String strText) throws Throwable {
    List<TextualChar> returnList = new ArrayList<TextualChar>();
    for (byte lbyte : strText.getBytes()) {
      TextualChar tChar = getTextualChar((char) lbyte);
    return returnList;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    List<TextualChar> textualCharList = getTexualChars("Aniruddha");

    TextualChar tChar1 = textualCharList.get(0);
    int endPos = tChar1.getxPos2();
    for (int iCounter = tChar1.getxPos1(); iCounter < endPos; iCounter++) {

      for (TextualChar tChar : textualCharList) {
        if (endPos < tChar.getxPos2()) {
          endPos = tChar.getxPos2();
        for (int iInnerCounter = tChar.getyPos1(); iInnerCounter < tChar.getyPos2(); iInnerCounter++) {

  static class TextualChar {
    private int      xPos1      = 0;
    private int      xPos2      = 0;

    private int      yPos1      = 0;
    private int      yPos2      = 0;

    private char[][]  pixelPattern  = new char[WIDTH][HEIGHT];

    public TextualChar(int xPos1, int xPos2, int yPos1, int yPos2, char[][] a_pattern) {
      this.xPos1 = xPos1;
      this.xPos2 = xPos2;
      this.yPos1 = yPos1;
      this.yPos2 = yPos2;
      this.pixelPattern = a_pattern;

    public char[][] getPixelPattern() {
      return pixelPattern;

    public int getxPos1() {
      return xPos1;

    public int getxPos2() {
      return xPos2;

    public int getyPos1() {
      return yPos1;

    public int getyPos2() {
      return yPos2;


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10.Obtain FontMetrics of different fonts
11.Draw font inside a Rectangle
12.Display font in a grid
13.Create font from true type font
14.Wrap string according to FontMetrics
15.Draw base line and enclosing line for a font
16.List all Fonts