A 3x3 matrix implementation : Matrix « 2D Graphics GUI « Java

A 3x3 matrix implementation

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2010  Morten Silcowitz.
 * This file is part of the Jinngine physics library
 * Jinngine is published under the GPL license, available 
 * at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. 
//package jinngine.math;

import java.io.Serializable;

//3x3 matrix for optimized matrix ops

 * A 3x3 matrix implementation
public class Matrix3 {
  public double a11, a12, a13;
  public double a21, a22, a23;
  public double a31, a32, a33;
  public Matrix3() {
      a11=0; a12=0; a13=0;
      a21=0; a22=0; a23=0;
      a31=0; a32=0; a33=0;

    * Assign the zero matrix to this matrix
    * @return <code>this</code>
  public final Matrix3 assignZero() {
    a11 = 0; a12 = 0; a13 = 0;
    a21 = 0; a22 = 0; a23 = 0;
    a31 = 0; a32 = 0; a33 = 0;
          return this;
   * Construct a 3x3 matrix using specified fields
   * @param a11
   * @param a12
   * @param a13
   * @param a21
   * @param a22
   * @param a23
   * @param a31
   * @param a32
   * @param a33
  public Matrix3(double a11, double a12, double a13, double a21, double a22,
    double a23, double a31, double a32, double a33) {  
  this.a11 = a11;
  this.a12 = a12;
  this.a13 = a13;
  this.a21 = a21;
  this.a22 = a22;
  this.a23 = a23;
  this.a31 = a31;
  this.a32 = a32;
  this.a33 = a33;

  * create a 3x3 matrix using a set of basis vectors
  * @param e1
  * @param e2
  * @param e3
  public Matrix3( Vector3 e1, Vector3 e2, Vector3 e3) {
    a11 = e1.x;
    a21 = e1.y;
    a31 = e1.z;
    a12 = e2.x;
    a22 = e2.y;
    a32 = e2.z;
    a13 = e3.x;
    a23 = e3.y;
    a33 = e3.z;
   * Construct a new 3x3 matrix as a copy of the given matrix B
   * @param B
   * @throws NullPointerException
  public Matrix3( Matrix3 B) {

   * assign the value of B to this Matrix3
   * @param B
  public final Matrix3 assign(Matrix3 B) {
    a11 = B.a11; a12 = B.a12; a13 = B.a13;
    a21 = B.a21; a22 = B.a22; a23 = B.a23;
    a31 = B.a31; a32 = B.a32; a33 = B.a33;
          return this;

   * Assign the scale matrix given by s, to this matrix
  public final Matrix3 assignScale(final double s) {
    a11 = s; a12 = 0; a13 = 0;
    a21 = 0; a22 = s; a23 = 0;
    a31 = 0; a32 = 0; a33 = s;
          return this;

   * Assign the non-uniform scale matrix given by s1, s2 and s3, to this matrix
  public final Matrix3 assignScale(double sx, double sy, double sz) {
    a11 = sx; a12 = 0.; a13 = 0.;
    a21 = 0.; a22 = sy; a23 = 0.;
    a31 = 0.; a32 = 0.; a33 = sz;
    return this;

   * Assign the identity matrix to this matrix
  public final Matrix3 assignIdentity() {
    a11 = 1; a12 = 0; a13 = 0;
    a21 = 0; a22 = 1; a23 = 0;
    a31 = 0; a32 = 0; a33 = 1;
          return this;

    public Matrix3 assign(
            double a11, double a12, double a13,
            double a21, double a22, double a23,
            double a31, double a32, double a33) {
        this.a11 = a11;  this.a12 = a12;  this.a13 = a13;
  this.a21 = a21;  this.a22 = a22;  this.a23 = a23;
  this.a31 = a31;  this.a32 = a32;  this.a33 = a33;
        return this;
   * Get the n'th column vector of this matrix
   * @param n
   * @return
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
  public final Vector3 column(int n) {
    switch (n) {
    case 0:
      return new Vector3(a11,a21,a31);
    case 1:
      return new Vector3(a12,a22,a32);
    case 2:
      return new Vector3(a13,a23,a33);
                  throw new IllegalArgumentException();
   * Get the n'th row vector of this matrix
   * @param n
   * @return
  public Vector3 row(int n) {
    switch (n) {
    case 0:
      return new Vector3(a11,a12,a13);
    case 1:
      return new Vector3(a21,a22,a23);
    case 2:
      return new Vector3(a31,a32,a33);
                  throw new IllegalArgumentException();

   * Get all column vectors of this matrix
   * @param c1
   * @param c2
   * @param c3
  public void getColumnVectors( Vector3 c1, Vector3 c2, Vector3 c3) {
    c1.x = a11;
    c1.y = a21;
    c1.z = a31;

    c2.x = a12;
    c2.y = a22;
    c2.z = a32;
    c3.x = a13;
    c3.y = a23;
    c3.z = a33;
   * Get all row vectors of this matrix
   * @param r1
   * @param r2
   * @param r3
  public void getRowVectors( Vector3 r1, Vector3 r2, Vector3 r3) {
    r1.x = a11;
    r1.y = a12;
    r1.z = a13;

    r2.x = a21;
    r2.y = a22;
    r2.z = a23;
    r3.x = a31;
    r3.y = a32;
    r3.z = a33;
   * Return a new identity Matrix3 instance
   * @return
  public static Matrix3 identity() {
    return new Matrix3().assignIdentity();
   * Multiply this matrix by a scalar, return the resulting matrix
   * @param s
   * @return
  public final Matrix3 multiply( double s) {
    Matrix3 A = new Matrix3();
    A.a11 = a11*s; A.a12 = a12*s; A.a13 = a13*s;
    A.a21 = a21*s; A.a22 = a22*s; A.a23 = a23*s;
    A.a31 = a31*s; A.a32 = a32*s; A.a33 = a33*s;    
    return A;
   * Right-multiply by a scaling matrix given by s, so M.scale(s) = M S(s)
   * @param s
   * @return
  public final Matrix3 scale( Vector3 s ) {
    Matrix3 A = new Matrix3();
    A.a11 = a11*s.x; A.a12 = a12*s.y; A.a13 = a13*s.z;
    A.a21 = a21*s.x; A.a22 = a22*s.y; A.a23 = a23*s.z;
    A.a31 = a31*s.x; A.a32 = a32*s.y; A.a33 = a33*s.z;    
    return A;
   * Multiply this matrix by the matrix A and return the result
   * @param A
   * @return
  public Matrix3 multiply(Matrix3 A) {
    return multiply(this,A,new Matrix3());

   * Multiply this matrix by the matrix A and return the result
   * @param A
   * @return
  public Matrix3 assignMultiply(Matrix3 A) {
    return multiply(this,A,this);
  //C = AxB 
  public static Matrix3 multiply( final Matrix3 A, final Matrix3 B, final Matrix3 C ) {
    //               B | b11 b12 b13
    //                 | b21 b22 b23
    //                 | b31 b32 b33
    //     -------------------------
    //  A  a11 a12 a13 | c11 c12 c13
    //     a21 a22 a23 | c21 c22 c23
    //     a31 a32 a33 | c31 c32 c33  C
    double t11 = A.a11*B.a11 + A.a12*B.a21 + A.a13*B.a31;
    double t12 = A.a11*B.a12 + A.a12*B.a22 + A.a13*B.a32;
    double t13 = A.a11*B.a13 + A.a12*B.a23 + A.a13*B.a33;
    double t21 = A.a21*B.a11 + A.a22*B.a21 + A.a23*B.a31;
    double t22 = A.a21*B.a12 + A.a22*B.a22 + A.a23*B.a32;
    double t23 = A.a21*B.a13 + A.a22*B.a23 + A.a23*B.a33;
    double t31 = A.a31*B.a11 + A.a32*B.a21 + A.a33*B.a31;
    double t32 = A.a31*B.a12 + A.a32*B.a22 + A.a33*B.a32;
    double t33 = A.a31*B.a13 + A.a32*B.a23 + A.a33*B.a33;

    //copy to C
    C.a11 = t11;
    C.a12 = t12;
    C.a13 = t13;

    C.a21 = t21;
    C.a22 = t22;
    C.a23 = t23;

    C.a31 = t31;
    C.a32 = t32;
    C.a33 = t33;

    return C;
   * Multiply a vector by this matrix, return the resulting vector
  public final Vector3 multiply( final Vector3 v) {
    Vector3 r = new Vector3();
    Matrix3.multiply(this, v, r);
    return r;
  //A = A^T 
  public Matrix3 assignTranspose() {
    double t;
  t=a12; a12=a21; a21=t;
  t=a13; a13=a31; a31=t;
  t=a23; a23=a32; a32=t;
    return this;
   * Functional method. Transpose this matrix and return the result
   * @return
  public final Matrix3 transpose() {
   return new Matrix3(this).assignTranspose();

  //C = A-B
  public static Matrix3 subtract( final Matrix3 A, final Matrix3 B, final Matrix3 C ) {
    C.a11 = A.a11-B.a11; C.a12 = A.a12-B.a12; C.a13 = A.a13-B.a13;
    C.a21 = A.a21-B.a21; C.a22 = A.a22-B.a22; C.a23 = A.a23-B.a23;
    C.a31 = A.a31-B.a31; C.a32 = A.a32-B.a32; C.a33 = A.a33-B.a33;
    return C;
   * Substract to this matrix the matrix B, return result in a new matrix instance
   * @param B
   * @return
  public Matrix3 subtract( Matrix3 B ) {
    return subtract(this,B,new Matrix3());
   * Substract to this matrix the matrix B, return result in a new matrix instance
   * @param B
   * @return
  public Matrix3 assignSubtract( Matrix3 B ) {
    return subtract(this,B,this);
   * Add to this matrix the matrix B, return result in a new matrix instance
   * @param B
   * @return
  public Matrix3 add( Matrix3 B ) {
    return add(this,B,new Matrix3());
   * Add to this matrix the matrix B, return result in a new matrix instance
   * @param B
   * @return
  public Matrix3 assignAdd( Matrix3 B ) {
    return add(this,B,this);
  //C = A+B
  public static Matrix3 add( final Matrix3 A, final Matrix3 B, final Matrix3 C ) {
    C.a11 = A.a11+B.a11; C.a12 = A.a12+B.a12; C.a13 = A.a13+B.a13;
    C.a21 = A.a21+B.a21; C.a22 = A.a22+B.a22; C.a23 = A.a23+B.a23;
    C.a31 = A.a31+B.a31; C.a32 = A.a32+B.a32; C.a33 = A.a33+B.a33;
    return C;
  // rT = (vT)A   NOTE that the result of this is actually a transposed vector!! 
  public static Vector3 transposeVectorAndMultiply( final Vector3 v, final Matrix3 A, final Vector3 r ){
    //            A  | a11 a12 a13
    //               | a21 a22 a23
    //               | a31 a32 a33
    //      ----------------------
    // vT   v1 v2 v3 |  c1  c2  c3
    double t1 = v.x*A.a11+v.y*A.a21+v.z*A.a31;
    double t2 = v.x*A.a12+v.y*A.a22+v.z*A.a32;
    double t3 = v.x*A.a13+v.y*A.a23+v.z*A.a33;
    r.x = t1;
    r.y = t2;
    r.z = t3;

    return r;

   * Multiply v by A, and place result in r, so r = Av
   * @param A 3 by 3 matrix
   * @param v Vector to be multiplied
   * @param r Vector to hold result of multiplication
   * @return Reference to the given Vector3 r instance
  public static Vector3 multiply( final Matrix3 A, final Vector3 v, final Vector3 r ) {
    //               V | v1
    //                 | v2
    //                 | v3                     
    //     -----------------
    //  A  a11 a12 a13 | c1
    //     a21 a22 a23 | c2
    //     a31 a32 a33 | c3   
    double t1 = v.x*A.a11+v.y*A.a12+v.z*A.a13;
    double t2 = v.x*A.a21+v.y*A.a22+v.z*A.a23;
    double t3 = v.x*A.a31+v.y*A.a32+v.z*A.a33;
    r.x = t1;
    r.y = t2;
    r.z = t3;
    return r;

   * Compute the determinant of Matrix3 A
   * @param A
   * @return 
  public double determinant() {
    return a11*a22*a33- a11*a23*a32 + a21*a32*a13 - a21*a12*a33 + a31*a12*a23-a31*a22*a13;
 * Compute the inverse of the matrix A, place the result in C
  public static Matrix3 inverse( final Matrix3 A, final Matrix3 C ) {
    double d = (A.a31*A.a12*A.a23-A.a31*A.a13*A.a22-A.a21*A.a12*A.a33+A.a21*A.a13*A.a32+A.a11*A.a22*A.a33-A.a11*A.a23*A.a32);
    double t11 =  (A.a22*A.a33-A.a23*A.a32)/d;
    double t12 = -(A.a12*A.a33-A.a13*A.a32)/d;
    double t13 =  (A.a12*A.a23-A.a13*A.a22)/d;
    double t21 = -(-A.a31*A.a23+A.a21*A.a33)/d;
    double t22 =  (-A.a31*A.a13+A.a11*A.a33)/d;
    double t23 = -(-A.a21*A.a13+A.a11*A.a23)/d;
    double t31 =  (-A.a31*A.a22+A.a21*A.a32)/d;
    double t32 = -(-A.a31*A.a12+A.a11*A.a32)/d;
    double t33 =  (-A.a21*A.a12+A.a11*A.a22)/d;

    C.a11 = t11; C.a12 = t12; C.a13 = t13;
    C.a21 = t21; C.a22 = t22; C.a23 = t23;
    C.a31 = t31; C.a32 = t32; C.a33 = t33;
    return C;

  public final Matrix3 assignInverse() {
      return inverse(this,this);
  public final Matrix3 inverse() {
        return inverse(this,new Matrix3());

  public static Matrix3 scaleMatrix( double xs, double ys, double zs) {
      return new Matrix3().assignScale(xs,ys,zs);
  public static Matrix3 scaleMatrix( double s ) {
      return new Matrix3().assignScale(s);      
  public String toString() {
    return "["+a11+", " + a12 + ", " + a13 + "]\n"
         + "["+a21+", " + a22 + ", " + a23 + "]\n"
         + "["+a31+", " + a32 + ", " + a33 + "]" ;
   * Check matrix for NaN values 
  public final boolean isNaN() {
    return Double.isNaN(a11)||Double.isNaN(a12)||Double.isNaN(a13)
    || Double.isNaN(a21)||Double.isNaN(a22)||Double.isNaN(a23)
    || Double.isNaN(a31)||Double.isNaN(a32)||Double.isNaN(a33);
  public double[] toArray() {
       return new double[]{
                  a11, a21, a31,
                  a12, a22, a32,
                  a13, a23, a33};

   * Return the Frobenius norm of this Matrix3
   * @return
  public final double fnorm() {
    return Math.sqrt(  a11*a11 + a12*a12 + a13*a13  + a21*a21 + a22*a22  + a23*a23  + a31*a31 + a32*a32 + a33*a33 ); 
     * @param v
     * @return
     * @throws NullPointerException
    public static Matrix3 crossProductMatrix(Vector3 v) {
        return new Matrix3(
                0., -v.z, v.y,
                v.z, 0., -v.x,
                -v.y, v.x, 0.);

 * <code>Vector3d</code> defines a Vector for a three double value tuple.
 * <code>Vector3d</code> can represent any three dimensional value, such as a
 * vertex or normal.
 * The functional methods like add, sub, multiply that returns new instances, and
 * left <code>this</code> unchanged.
 * Static methods store the resulting vector on a existing reference, which avoid
 * allowcation an can improove performances around 20% (profiling performend on vector
 * addition).
 * Deprecated methods will be removed on October 2010
 * @author Morten Silcowitz
 * @author Pierre Labatut 
 final class Vector3 implements Serializable {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

         * The x coordinate.
  public double x;
         * The y coordinate.
        public double y;
         * The z coordinate.
        public double z;

  public transient final static double e = 1e-9f;

         * Constructs and initializes a <code>Vector3</code> to [0., 0., 0.]
  public Vector3 () {
    x=0; y=0; z=0;
         * Constructs and initializes a <code>Vector3</code> from the specified
         * xyz coordinates.
         * @param x the x coordinate
         * @param y the y coordinate
         * @param z the z coordinate
  public Vector3( double x, double y, double z) {
    this.x=x; this.y=y; this.z=z;

         * Constructs and initializes a <code>Vector3</code> with the coordinates
         * of the given <code>Vector3</code>.
         * @param v the <code>Vector3</code> containing the initialization x y z data
         * @throws NullPointerException when v is null
  public Vector3( Vector3 v ) {
    x=v.x; y=v.y; z = v.z;

     * Create a new unit vector heading positive x
     * @return a new unit vector heading positive x
    public static Vector3 i() {
        return new Vector3(1., 0., 0.);
     * Create a new unit vector heading positive y
     * @return a new unit vector heading positive y
    public static Vector3 j() {
        return new Vector3(0., 1., 0.);
     * Create a new unit vector heading positive z
     * @return a new unit vector heading positive z
    public static Vector3 k() {
        return new Vector3(0., 0., 1.);

         * Adds a provided vector to this vector creating a resultant
         * vector which is returned.
         * Neither <code>this</code> nor <code>v</code> is modified.
         * @param v the vector to add to this.
         * @return resultant vector
         * @throws NullPointerException if v is null
  public final Vector3 add( Vector3 v) {
    return new Vector3( x+v.x, y+v.y, z+v.z );
         * Multiply the vector coordinates by -1. creating a resultant vector
         * which is returned.
         * <code>this</code> vector is not modified.
         * @return resultant vector
         * @throws NullPointerException if v is null
  public final Vector3 negate() {
    return new Vector3(-x,-y,-z);
         * Returns true if one of the coordinated is not a number
         * <code>this</code> vector is not modified.
         * @return true if one of the coordinated is not a number
  public final boolean isNaN() {
    return Double.isNaN(x)||Double.isNaN(y)||Double.isNaN(z);
         * Get a coordinate from a dimention ordinal.
         * @param i the dimention ordinal number. 1 is x, 2 is y 3 is z.
         * @return <ul>
         *<li>         x coordiante when i is 0</li>
         *<li>         y coordiante when i is 1</li>
         *<li>         z coordiante when i is 2</li>
         * </ul>
  public double get( int i ) {
    return i>0?(i>1?z:y):x; 
         * Set a coordinate from a dimention ordinal.
         * @param i the dimention ordinal number. 1 is x, 2 is y 3 is z.
         * @param v new coordinate value
  public void set( int i, double v ) {
    if (i == 0) {
      x = v;
    } else {
      if ( i==1) {
      }else {
         * Add two vectors and place the result in v1.
         * <code>v2</code> is not modified.
         * @param v1 a not null reference, store the sum
         * @param v2 a not null reference
         * @throws NullPointerException if v1 or v2 is null
  public static void add( final Vector3 v1, final Vector3 v2 ) {
    v1.x += v2.x;
    v1.y += v2.y;
    v1.z += v2.z;

         * Substract two vectors and place the result in v1.
         * <code>v2</code> is not modified.
         * @param v1 a not null reference, store the difference
         * @param v2 a not null reference
         * @throws NullPointerException if v1 or v2 is null
  public static void sub( final Vector3 v1, final Vector3 v2 ) {
    v1.x -= v2.x;
    v1.y -= v2.y;
    v1.z -= v2.z;

         * Substracts a provided vector to this vector creating a resultant
         * vector which is returned.
         * Neither <code>this</code> nor <code>v</code> is modified.
         * @param v the vector to add to this.
         * @return resultant vector
        public final Vector3 sub( Vector3 v ) {
    return new Vector3( x-v.x, y-v.y, z-v.z );

         * Multiply this vector by a provided scalar creating a resultant
         * vector which is returned.
         * <code>this</code> vector is not modified.
         * @param s multiplication coeficient
         * @return resultant vector
  public final Vector3 multiply( double s ) {
    return new Vector3( x*s, y*s, z*s);
   * Scale vector by the scale matrix given by s.
         * <code>this</code> vector is not modified.
   * @param s scale direction and factor
   * @return an new vector
  public final Vector3 scale( Vector3 s) {
    return new Vector3(x*s.x, y*s.y, z*s.z);

         * Multiply a given vector by a scalar and place the result in v
         * @param v vector multipled
         * @param s scalar used to scale the vector
         * @throws NullPointerException if v is null
  public static void multiply( Vector3 v, double s) {
    v.x*=s; v.y*=s; v.z*=s;

         * @param v
         * @param s
         * @param result
         * @throws NullPointerException if v ot result is null
  public static void multiplyAndAdd( Vector3 v, double s, Vector3 result) {
    result.x += v.x*s; 
    result.y += v.y*s; 
    result.z += v.z*s;

   * Multiply v by s, and store result in v. Add v to result and store in result
   * @param v
   * @param s
   * @param result
         * @throws NullPointerException if v ot result is null
  public static void  multiplyStoreAndAdd( Vector3 v, double s, Vector3 result) {
    v.x *= s;
    v.y *= s;
    v.z *= s;    
    result.x += v.x; 
    result.y += v.y; 
    result.z += v.z;

         * Returns the dot product of this vector and vector v.
         * Neither <code>this</code> nor <code>v</code> is modified.
         * @param v the other vector
         * @return the dot product of this and v1
         * @throws NullPointerException if v is null
  public final double dot( Vector3 v ) {
    return this.x*v.x+this.y*v.y+this.z*v.z;
         * Returns the dot product of this vector and vector v.
         * Neither <code>this</code> nor <code>v</code> is modified.
         * z coordinated if trucated
         * @param v the other vector
         * @return the dot product of this and v1
         * @throws NullPointerException
  public final double xydot( Vector3 v ) {
    return this.x*v.x+this.y*v.y;

         * Return a new new set to the cross product of this vectors and v
         * Neither <code>this</code> nor <code>v</code> is modified.
         * @param v a not null vector
         * @return the cross product
         * @throws NullPointerException when v is null
  public final Vector3 cross( final Vector3 v ) {
    return new Vector3( y*v.z-z*v.y, z*v.x-x*v.z, x*v.y-y*v.x ); 
        * Sets result vector to the vector cross product of vectors v1 and v2.
        * Neither <code>v1</code> nor <code>v2</code> is modified.
        * @param v1 the first vector
        * @param v2 the second vector
        * @param result
  public static void crossProduct( final Vector3 v1, final Vector3 v2, final Vector3 result ) {
    final double tempa1 = v1.y*v2.z-v1.z*v2.y;
    final double tempa2 = v1.z*v2.x-v1.x*v2.z;
    final double tempa3 = v1.x*v2.y-v1.y*v2.x;

    result.x = tempa1;
    result.y = tempa2;
    result.z = tempa3;

         * Return a new vector set to the normalization of vector v1.
         * <code>this</code> vector is not modified.
         * @return the normalized vector
  public final Vector3 normalize() {
    double l = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
    if ( l == 0.0 ) {return new Vector3(1,0,0); }
    return new Vector3( x*l, y*l, z*l);
         * Sets the value of this <code>Vector3</code> to the specified x, y and  coordinates.
         * @param x the x coordinate
         * @param y the y coordinate
         * @param z the z coordinate
         * @return return this
        public final Vector3 assign( double x, double y, double z ) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.z = z;
    return this;
         * A this vector to the provided coordinates creating a new resultant vector.
         * <code>this</code> vector is not modified
         * @param x the x coordinate
         * @param y the y coordinate
         * @param z the z coordinate
         * @return the result vector
  public final Vector3 add( double x, double y, double z ) {
    return new Vector3( this.x+x, this.y+y, this.z+z);

         * Sets the value of this vector to the value of the xyz coordinates of the
         * given vector.
         * <code>v</code> is not modified
         * @param v the vector to be copied
         * @return <code>this</code>
         * @throws NullPointerException
  public final Vector3 assign( Vector3 v ) {
    double t1 =v.x;
    double t2 =v.y;
    double t3 =v.z;
    x = t1;
    y = t2;
    z = t3;
    return this;
         * @return
  public final Vector3 assignZero() {
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    z = 0;
    return this;
         * Returns the length of this vector.
         * <code>this</code> vector is not modified.
         * @return Returns the length of this vector.
  public final double norm() {
    return Math.sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z );
         * Returns the length of this vector.
         * z coordinate is truncated.
         * <code>this</code> vector is not modified.
         * @return Double.NaN when Double.isNaN(x) || Double.isNaN(y)
  public final double xynorm() {
    return Math.sqrt( x*x + y*y );

         * Returns the length of this vector.
         * <code>this</code> vector is not modified.
         * @return the length of this vector
  public final double squaredNorm() {
    return x*x+y*y+z*z;

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if the absolute value of the three coordinates are
     * smaller or equal to epsilon.
     * @param epsilon positive tolerance around zero
     * @return true when the coordinates are next to zero
     *         false in the other cases
    public final boolean isEpsilon(double epsilon) {
        if (epsilon < 0.) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("epsilon must be positive");
        return -epsilon <= x && x <= epsilon
                && -epsilon <= y && y <= epsilon
                && -epsilon <= z && z <= epsilon;
         * Pack the three coorindates into a new double array
         * <code>this</code> vector is not modified.
         * @return a array set with x, y and z
  public final double[] toArray() {
    return new double[]{x,y,z};

         * Returns a string representation of this vector.  The string
         * representation consists of the three dimentions in the order x, y, z,
         * enclosed in square brackets (<tt>"[]"</tt>). Adjacent elements are
         * separated by the characters <tt>", "</tt> (comma and space).
         * Elements are converted to strings as by {@link Double#toString(double)}.
         * @return a string representation of this vector
  public final String toString() {
    return  "[" + x + ", " +y+ ", " +z + "]";


Related examples in the same category

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2.Rotations in a three-dimensional spaceRotations in a three-dimensional space
3.This class represents a lower (or upper) triangle matrix that stores ints.
4.The Java Matrix Class provides the fundamental operations of numerical linear algebra
5.Vector extends Matrix
6.4 x 4 Matrix
7.Various geometric transformations on matrix form
8.Inertia Matrix
9.Simulate a matrix. Provides method to travers vectors that compose the matrix.