'dt' Syntax and Note : dt « HTML Tag Reference « HTML CSS Reference

'dt' Syntax and Note


Known as the definition term.
Display terms and definitions in HTML (such as in a glossary).
It is used in conjunction with the <dl> and <dd> elements. 
The <dl> element is a definition list.
The <dl> element may contain multiple definition terms, <dt>, 
along with definition descriptions, <dd>. 
<dt attributes events> . . . </dt>


Related examples in the same category

1.'dt' HTML Attributes
2.'dt' Event Handlers
3.'dt' CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties
4.'dt' Example
5.'dt' Microsoft Behaviors
6.'dt' Microsoft Filters
7.'dt' JavaScript Properties
8.'dt' JavaScript Methods
9.'dt' JavaScript Collections
10.'dt' JavaScript Objects