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<h3 class="post-title"><a href="#21" rel="bookmark">More Examples</a></h3>
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<p>Hi! <a href="">606</a> is a free template created by Sadhana Ganapathiraju, aka SimplyGold. It started out its life as a commercial template, but now it's a free template released under <a href=""><acronym title="Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5">CC</acronym> license</a>, which basically means that you can use it, modify it, and do whatever you want with it as long as it doesn't have anything to do with commercial use. </p>
<p>I included a link at the bottom that says that the design was by me. You don't need to keep it, but I'd much appreciate it if you do. :-) Except for this one, pretty much all other links need to be modified.</p>
<pre><code><span class="kwd">protected void</span> Page_Load(<span class="kwd">object</span> sender, EventArgs e)
<span class="kwd">try</span>
MailMessage message = <span class="kwd">new</span> MailMessage(<span class="str">
<span class="str">""</span>,
<span class="str">"Some Important Message"</span>,
<span class="str">"This is a test message &
it's not that important."</span>);
SmtpClient client = <span class="kwd">new</span> SmtpClient(
<span class="str">""</span>);
System.Net.NetworkCredential credentials = <span class="kwd">new</span>
<span class="str">"username"</span>,
<span class="str">"password"</span>);
client.UseDefaultCredentials = <span class="kwd">true</span>;
client.Credentials = credentials;
<span class="kwd">catch</span> (Exception ex)
Response.Write(<span class="str">"Oops! Couldn't send the e-mail: "</span> +
<div class="post-footer"> Posted By: <a href="#00">Fisterkit</a> on July 5, 2006 | <a href="#02">Comments(275)</a> | <a href="#03">Trackbacks(321)</a> </div>
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<h3 class="post-title"><a href="#11" rel="bookmark">Last of the Books</a></h3>
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<p class="img"><img src="six-oh-six-images/sample_pic.jpg" width="250px" height="171px" alt="Sample Picture Here" /></p>
<p> Praesent eget sem nec sem pretium mattis. Pellentesque iaculis sapien. In sem quam, molestie ut, sagittis non,
auctor a, leo. <a href="#89">In hac habitasse platea dictumst</a>. Nunc augue diam, lacinia non, vulputate sce <a href="#92">lerisque, pretium ut</a>, lectus. </p>
<p> Fusce justo. <abbr title="Fake non-abbreviation">I'm abbr.</abbr> Lalala. <acronym title="I'm a fake acronym">Acro </acronym>. Donec magna tortor, dictum in, suscipit a, posuere in, erat. Quisque non velit. Nulla quis nunc. </p>
<p> Vestibulum vel odio eget metus faucibus ullamcorper. Proin sodales urna quis velit. Mauris eros diam, egestas eu,
consectetuer nec, semper sit amet, eros. Fusce ac libero. Aliquam sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras varius orci
sed pede. Fusce eleifend tincidunt odio. Aenean magna. Duis sed leo et mi fermentum viverra. Phasellus nisi turpi,
adipiscing sed, adipiscing placerat, convallis ac, sem. Aenean at turpis in nisi pulvinar ullamcorper. Ut sed nib.
Aenean orci lacus, porta ac, aliquet id, malesuada a, nisl. Curabitur venenatis gravida nisi. Aliquam mattis. Nula
sapien dui, consequat a, varius a, laoreet a, metus. In feugiat orci eget sapien. Etiam ultrices, leo vel gravidar
sodales, eros eros tristique sem, at vulputate purus nisi vel neque. Donec vel enim. Quisque a arcu in ligula moll
is placerat. Aliquam imperdiet. </p>
<p> Sed urna. Duis vitae sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.
Nunc sit amet nunc. Cras augue urna, posuere eu, porttitor ut, tempor vitae, diam. Vivamus vel velit. Vestibulum in sapi.
Maecenas nisl ligula, hendrerit eu, consequat nec, euismod id, neque. Donec mi risus, varius at, condimentum vitae, tinci
dunt id, tellus. Nullam magna nisi, consectetuer vel, scelerisque nec, viverra eget, justo. Ut porta. Suspendisse conguer
risus in libero dictum eleifend. Curabitur tempor lectus vel pede. Fusce luctus. Ut eu felis. Nulla ligula erat, tempor
in, pretium non, elementum non, mauris. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur eu ligula. </p>
<p> <del>Nam hendrerit, dolor ac venenatis venenatis.</del> <ins>Diam urna posuere velit, at imperdiet turpis urna interdum nunc.</ins> </p>
<div class="post-footer"> Posted By: <a href="#00">Fisterkit</a> on Jan 5, 2006 | <a href="#02">Comments(182)</a> | <a href="#03">Trackbacks(113)</a> </div>
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<dt>Hilarious Windows 2000 Source Code Review</dt>
<dd><a href="">Who knew Microsoft programmers swore so much?</a></dd>
<dt>God Created the World, With a Computer!</dt>
<dd><a href="">In the beginning, there was the Computer</a></dd>
<dt>The Fully Automated System</dt>
<dd><a href="">It was to be the perfect system.</a></dd>
<dt>Persistence Gets the Job Done</dt>
<dd><a href="">Kristopher has the pleasure of working with Robert, the Infallible Programmer.</a></dd>
<dt>Not Another DLL!</dt>
<dd><a href="">"Told ya' so."</a></dd>
<dt>Legendary Configuration</dt>
<dd><a href="">Not too many of us are locky to work side-by-side with a living Software legend.</a></dd>
<dt>Surgical Module Changes</dt>
<dd><a href="">Tom's experience on the Client Management Module</a></dd>
<dd>The first two articles are from <a href="">Digg</a> and the rest from <a href="">The Daily WTF</a>.</dd>
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<dt><a href="">Aliquam Mollis Odio Ut Pedu</a></dt>
<dd>Vestibulum enim erat, tristique quis, dignissim et, imperdiet ac, augue. Proin ac risus id urna venenatis viverra.</dd>
<dt><a href="">Vivamus Eget Metus Eget Est</a></dt>
<dd> Mauris sollicitudin feugiat nisl. Fusce lorem justo, pharetra sit amet, vestibulum in, convallis at, tortor. Suspendisse
eget lacus in mauris suscipit iaculis. Ut risus eros, scelerisque ac. </dd>
<dt><a href="">Etiam Mattis</a></dt>
<dd> Maecenas adipiscing lectus nec velit consectetuer scelerisque. </dd>
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<p> Nullam eu eros eget massa fringilla porta. Donec consectetuer. Praesent vel ipsum. Vivamus vitae orci. Qui
sque sit amet est. Suspendisse dapibus orci. Pellentesque semper mi vestibulum libero. Vivamus pharetra tu
rpis eu neque. Morbi convallis. Nunc a ipsum eu lorem. <a href="">More →</a> </p>
<p> Design by <a href="" title="SimplyGold">Sadhana Ganapathiraju</a> |
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