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</span> <span class="blk2_lp"> <span class="nws">News Updates</span> <span class="dat" style="margin-top:22px;"><span>12-10-2007</span><br />
Let us turn your stressful environment into a tranquil setting with plants.</span> <span class="dat"><span>04-11-2007</span><br />
Trees and blooming plants will create and and more.Trees and blooming plants will create and and more.</span> <span class="dat"><span>11-01-2008</span><br />
impressive entrance for your clients and a relaxing area for your employees. </span> <span class="dat"><span>04-02-2008</span><br />
Let us turn that empty into a company oasis! trees and blooming plants will create.</span> <span class="dat"><span>04-11-2007</span><br />
Trees and blooming plants will create and and more.</span> <span class="dat"><span>11-01-2008</span><br />
impressive entrance for your clients and a relaxing area for your employees. Trees and blooming plants will create and and more.
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<div id="right_block"> <span class="modul"> <span class="wel">Welcome to Our Company</span> <span class="inr_bllk"> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/map.gif" width="195" height="120" class="flr" alt="" /> <span class="txt"> <a href="">Call Center Adviser</a> is an independent consulting firm with highly experienced consultants with over 26 years of success and experienced consultants with over 26 years of success. <br />
<br />
The focus is on design, development and implementation of new, existing or turnaround call centers.Our team of consultants are world leading providers in solutions that help organizations of all sizes to optimize and streamline their operation and cost. </span> </span> <a href=""><img src="newwave-business-inc-images/rd.gif" alt="" width="56" height="12" class="rdmr" /></a> </span> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/rp_ln.gif" alt="" class="rp_ln" /> <span class="blks"> <span class="special"> <span class="our">Our Specializing</span> <span class="lnk"> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/blt.gif" alt="" width="5" height="7" /><a href="">Process reengineering</a> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/blt.gif" alt="" width="5" height="7" /><a href="">Benchmarking based on call center needs</a> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/blt.gif" alt="" width="5" height="7" /><a href="">Employee coaching and development</a> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/blt.gif" alt="" width="5" height="7" /><a href="">Increase customer satisfaction</a> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/blt.gif" alt="" width="5" height="7" /><a href="">Management training and coaching</a> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/blt.gif" alt="" width="5" height="7" /><a href="">CRM and CTI applications</a> </span> <a href=""><img src="newwave-business-inc-images/rd.gif" alt="" width="56" height="12" class="rdmr2" /></a> </span> <span class="clnt"> <span class="our">Our Clients</span> <span class="lnk_cl"> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/blt.gif" alt="" width="5" height="7" style="margin-top:6px;" /><span class="cls2"><a href="">Bank of America</a><br />
Pasadena, New Bay Area</span> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/blt.gif" alt="" width="5" height="7" /><span class="cls"><a href="">Union Bank of California</a><br />
Monterey Park, West Coast California </span> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/blt.gif" alt="" width="5" height="7" /><span class="cls"><a href="">JCB Int'l Bank</a> <br />
Los Angeles/ Tokyo Calabasas</span> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/blt.gif" alt="" width="5" height="7" /><span class="cls"><a href="">LTD First Bank of Beverly Hills</a> <br />
All around the world</span> </span> <a href=""><img src="newwave-business-inc-images/rd.gif" alt="" width="56" height="12" class="rdmr2" /></a> </span> </span> <span class="spcl_blk"> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/rp_ln.gif" alt="" class="rp_ln" /> <span class="widt"><span class="our">Our Specializing</span></span> <span class="widt"> <img src="newwave-business-inc-images/man_c.jpg" alt="" width="235" height="97" /> <span class="tx_widt">The focus is on design, development and implementation of new, existing or turnaround call centers. Our team of consultants are world leading providers in solutions that help organizations of all sizes to optimize and streamline their operation and cost.<br />
<br />
Our team of consultants are world leading providers in solutions that help organizations of all sizes to optimize and streamline their operation and cost.</span> </span> </span> </div>
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