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<div id="page_header">
  <div id="page_title">
    <h1> <img src="books-forever-images/header_logo.gif" width="25" height="26" alt="" /> <span>Books Forever</span> </h1>
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        <h2><span>Welcome to our site</span></h2>
        <p> This is a template designed by free website templates for you for free you can replace all the text by your own text. This is just a place holder so you can see how the site would look like. If you're having problems editing the template please don't hesitate to ask for help on the forum. You will get help </p>
        <div class="readmore"><a href="">Read More</a></div>
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          <h2><span>Top Bestsellers</span></h2>
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              <div class="bookcover"><img src="books-forever-images/book01.gif" width="65" height="89" alt="" /></div>
              <p> This is a template designed by free website templates for you for free you can replace all the text by your own text. </p>
              <p> This is just a place holder so you can see how the site would look like. If you're having problems editing the template please don't hesitate to ask for help on the forum. You will get help </p>
              <div class="info">
                <div class="price">
                  <h3>Price: $20.00</h3>
                <div class="buynow"> <a href="">Buy Now</a> </div>
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          <div class="content">
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              <div class="bookcover"><img src="books-forever-images/book02.gif" width="65" height="89" alt="" /></div>
              <p> This is a template designed by free website templates for you for free you can replace all the text by your own text. </p>
              <p> This is just a place holder so you can see how the site would look like. If you're having problems editing the template please don't hesitate to ask for help on the forum. You will get help </p>
              <div class="info">
                <div class="price">
                  <h3>Price: $20.00</h3>
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              <div class="bookcover"><img src="books-forever-images/book03.gif" width="65" height="99" alt="" /></div>
              <p> This is a template designed by free website templates for you for free you can replace all the text by your own text. </p>
              <p> This is just a place holder so you can see how the site would look like. If you're having problems editing the template please don't hesitate to ask for help on the forum. You will get help </p>
              <div class="info">
                <div class="price">
                  <h3>Price: $20.00</h3>
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                <div class="clearthis">.</div>
          <div class="content">
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              <div class="bookcover"><img src="books-forever-images/book04.gif" width="65" height="101" alt="" /></div>
              <p> This is a template designed by free website templates for you for free you can replace all the text by your own text. </p>
              <p> This is just a place holder so you can see how the site would look like. If you're having problems editing the template please don't hesitate to ask for help on the forum. You will get help </p>
              <div class="info">
                <div class="price">
                  <h3>Price: $20.00</h3>
                <div class="buynow"> <a href="">Buy Now</a> </div>
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      <div class="rightcol_box">
        <div id="latest">
          <h2><span>Latest Releases &amp; News</span></h2>
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            <h3>June 22nd, 2005</h3>
            <div class="thumbnail"><img src="books-forever-images/news_image01.gif" width="67" height="81" alt="" /></div>
            <p> This is a template designed by free website templates for you for free you can replace all the text by your own text. </p>
            <p> This is just a place holder so you can see how the site would look like. If you're having problems editing the template please don't hesitate to ask for help on the forum. You will get help </p>
            <h3>June 22nd, 2005</h3>
            <p> This is just a place holder so you can see how the site would look like. If you're having problems editing the template please don't hesitate to ask for help on the forum. You will get help </p>
            <h3>June 26th, 2005</h3>
            <p> This is a template designed by free website templates for you for free you can replace all the text by your own text. This is just a place holder so you can see how the site would look like. </p>
            <p> If you're having problems editing the template please don't hesitate to ask for help on the forum. You will get help as soon as possible. You can also use the forum to tell us what you like or dislike and what you would like to see more. Your feedback is very important to us and we will do everything to fulfil your wishes. </p>
            <div class="readmore"><a href="">Read More</a></div>
    <div class="clearthis">.</div>
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    <div id="rights"> &copy; Copyright information goes here </div>
    <div id="links"> <span><a href="">Home</a></span> <span><a href="">Bestsellers</a></span> <span><a href="">Magazines</a></span> <span><a href="">Bargain</a></span> <span><a href="">New Releases</a></span> <span><a href="">E-Books</a></span> <span><a href="">Contact</a></span> </div>
<div id="page_credit"> <a href="">Powered by Free Website Templates</a></div>
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