'marginwidth' sets the left and right margins in pixels : frame « Tags « HTML / CSS

'marginwidth' sets the left and right margins in pixels

<frameset rows="50,*" frameborder="yes" border="20px" framespacing="5" cols="*">
  <frame name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="http://www.java2s.com">
  <frameset cols="25%,*" border="15px" framespacing="0">
     <frame name="leftFrame" 
            marginheight="100" marginwidth="15" noresizescrolling="NO" src="http://www.java2s.com">
     <frame name="mainFrame" src="http://www.java2s.com">


Related examples in the same category

1.'frame' creates a single frame within the 'frameset' element
2.Frameset in Columns
3.Frameset in Rows
4.If the frameset is not support
5.Frameset: Column inside Row
6.Noresize Frameset
7.Frameset column with size
8.This document uses frames
9.Frame target: Display, _new, _self, _top
10.Floating Frame Example
11.Frames example
12.'marginheight' sets the size, in pixels, of the top and bottom margins of a frame
13.'noresize' Example