'frameset' is used in conjunction with the 'frame' element : frameset « Tags « HTML / CSS

'frameset' is used in conjunction with the 'frame' element


<title>frameset element example</title></head>
<frameset rows="33%, 33%, *" cols="33%, 33%, *">
    <frame name="frame_1" src="http://www.java2s.com">
    <frame name="frame_2" src="http://www.java2s.com">
    <frame name="frame_3" src="http://www.java2s.com">
    <frame name="frame_4" src="http://www.java2s.com">
    <frame name="frame_5" src="http://www.java2s.com">
    <frame name="frame_6" src="http://www.java2s.com">
    <frame name="frame_7" src="http://www.java2s.com">
    <frame name="frame_8" src="http://www.java2s.com">
    <frame name="frame_9" src="http://www.java2s.com">
<noframes>Your system doesn't support frames.</noframes>

Related examples in the same category

1.Set frame size in frameset
2.target="_self" is the default value
3.This link opens a page to replace the frameset
4.This link opens in a frame with the name 'content'
7.Frames example
9.rows="150, *, 100"
11.cols="200, *"
12.frame out of the frameset
14.cols = "50%,50%"
15.noframes just in case
16.frameset rows="150, *, 100" frameborder="10"
17.'cols' specifies the number of columns and the size of the columns in a frameset
18.'frameborder' displays a border around a frame or frameset
19.'framespacing' creates additional space in pixels between the frames
20.'rows' sets the row number and size in a frameset