This font is 1.2 smaller than the default size, or pixels. : measurement « Style Basics « HTML / CSS

This font is 1.2 smaller than the default size, or pixels.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns='' xml:lang='en'>
        <style rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
body {
    font-size: medium;
p#smaller {
    font-size: smaller;
p#smaller span {
    font-size: 12px;
span {
    background: mistyrose;

        <p id='smaller'>
            This font is 1.2 smaller than the default size, or pixels.
            <span>this is a test. </span>


Related examples in the same category

1.Absolute Units
2.Relative Units
3.Testing 96 DPI Equals an Inch
4.This paragraph has a 200 pixel width and 10 pixels of padding
5.Relative units giving rise to unequal side margins
6.Different measures
7.em is relative to the font size
8.Relative size font-size: .75em
9.width: size an element by assigning pixels, ems, a percentage, or another fixed measurement to width.
10.Percentages are more flexible because they can scale to the viewport.
11.width:100% stretches an element to the width of its parent.
12.Units of Length and Percentage
13.Absolute vs. Relative Measurements inch tall
15.inch measurement
16.font-size with various measurements
17.This font is 24 pixels tall and this div is 3 ems tall
18.The body's border is 1em thick
19.font-size: 1in
20.inch vs pixel
21.percentage measurement width
22.A negative margin
23.This paragraph has a 1 pixel thick, solid black border around it.
24.Comparing em to Pixels
25.em measurement
26.ex measurement
27.inch measurement 2
28.inch vs pixels
29.Em Measurement Comparison to Pixels
30.percentage measurement
31.12 pixel base