text-shadow: 0.3em 0.3em 0.5em black : text shadow « CSS « HTML / CSS

text-shadow: 0.3em 0.3em 0.5em black


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">

  <title>CSS Example</title>
  <style rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
body {
  color: #000000;
  background-color: #ffffff;
  font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif;
  font-size: 12px;

.dropShadow {
  text-shadow: 0.3em 0.3em 0.5em black;
  color: #ffffff;


<h1 class="drop">This heading should have a drop shadow</h1>



Related examples in the same category

1.text-shadow: 3px 3px red, yellow -3px 3px 2px, 3px -3px
2.text-shadow: 3px 3px 5px red
3.text-shadow: 0.2em 0.2em
4.text-shadow: 0.2em 0.2em;
5.text-shadow: 3px 3px 5px red;
6.text-shadow: #999999 10px 10px 3px;
7.Set text-shadow to 'yellow .15em .15em .15em'