Use border-bottom to draw line
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<h1>SEO of sites using Social Networks</h1>
<div class="date">July 25th, 2008</div>
<div class="post">
Illum secundum exerci erat plaga illum, enim, venio. Tamen causa ut diam torqueo sagaciter inhibeo si quae exerci lobor- tis. Appellatio vel hos autem, ludus luptatum mauris ratis jugis interdico. Gilvus consequat abico demoveo lenis validus typicus ut commodo. Consequat, eu voco cui eros, euismod quis illum, commodo. Nibh valde tincidunt ex quae ratis meus neo aliquam. Esse, in damnum tation accumsan premo antehabeo mauris in in, ullamcorper virtus. Blandit te valde tation comis sed consequat hendrerit blandit oppeto brevitas amet illum camur quis. Iaceo tamen consequat inhibeo, consequat scisco sino iriure virtus vulpes nostrud. Accumsan ratis feugait vero dolus quae velit nimis facilisis, erat, ullamcorper, valde minim. <br />
Bis vel, consectetuer dignissim velit feugiat quis. Autem exputo, metuo augue enim metuo, ut. Vicis neo et suscipere occuro haero feugiat paulatim. Vel velit erat, nullus ratis scisco, epulae aptent ullamcorper imputo. Decet, vulpes premo eros populus at abigo genitus. Hendrerit augue imputo fatua jugis, mara persto aliquip ad dolore luptatum velit. Probo abbas nisl tego, diam refoveo ea. Enim melior fatua jugis loquor delenit damnum jus luptatum fe Augue vindico valetudo qui, demoveo. Pagus importunus feugiat augue magna tation vereor utrum dolor.
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<a href="#">Permalink</a> <a href="#">15 Comments</a>
<h1>Web Directories</h1>
<div class="date">June 16th, 2008</div>
<div class="post">
Illum secundum exerci erat plaga illum, enim, venio. Tamen causa ut diam torqueo sagaciter inhibeo si quae exerci lobor- tis. Appellatio vel hos autem, ludus luptatum mauris ratis jugis interdico. Gilvus consequat abico demoveo lenis validus typicus ut commodo. Consequat, eu voco cui eros, euismod quis illum, commodo. Nibh valde tincidunt ex quae ratis meus neo aliquam. Esse, in damnum tation accumsan premo antehabeo mauris in in, ullamcorper virtus. Blandit te valde tation comis sed consequat hendrerit blandit oppeto brevitas amet illum camur quis. Iaceo tamen consequat inhibeo, consequat scisco sino iriure virtus vulpes nostrud. Accumsan ratis feugait vero dolus quae velit nimis facilisis, erat, ullamcorper, valde minim. <br />
Bis vel, consectetuer dignissim velit feugiat quis. Autem exputo, metuo augue enim metuo, ut. Vicis neo et suscipere occuro haero feugiat paulatim. Vel velit erat, nullus ratis scisco, epulae aptent ullamcorper imputo. Decet, vulpes premo eros populus at abigo genitus. Hendrerit augue imputo fatua jugis, mara persto aliquip ad dolore luptatum velit. Probo abbas nisl tego, diam refoveo ea. Enim melior fatua jugis loquor delenit damnum jus luptatum fe Augue vindico valetudo qui, demoveo. Pagus importunus feugiat augue magna tation vereor utrum dolor.
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<a href="#">Permalink</a> <a href="#">12 Comments</a>
Related examples in the same category
1. | 'border' Example | | |
2. | border width, border style shorthand four values | | |
3. | border width, border style shorthand one value | | |
4. | border width, border style shorthand, three values | | |
5. | border width, border style shorthand two values | | |
6. | border: thin solid rgb(0, 0, 0) | | |
7. | border: 1em solid black | | |
8. | border: medium solid black | | |
9. | border: thin solid black | | |
10. | border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); | | |
11. | border: 1px solid crimson; | | |
12. | border: 1px solid gold; | | |
13. | border: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 200); | | |
14. | Style sheet for border properties | | |
15. | border-color: red green purple blue; border-width: thin medium thick .25cm; | | |
16. | border overwrite | | |
17. | Dashed border | | |
18. | border: 1px dashed #8a795d; | | |
19. | Using image for border | | |
20. | Border page border | | |
21. | border: 1px solid green; | | |
22. | When no border-color is specified, the border color is the value of the color property. | | |
23. | border-style: solid dashed double inset; | | |
24. | Border with default color | | |
25. | border sets the size, pattern, and color of the border surrounding the padding. | | |
26. | border: thick solid black | | |
27. | Border shortcut setting | | |
28. | border shortcut property takes three space-delimited values that represent the border's width, style, and color. | | |
29. | border: 40px double black; creates a black, 40-pixel, double-line border. | | |
30. | Border with specific setting for four directions | | |
31. | This paragraph has a 1 pixel thick, solid black border around it. | | |
32. | Border direction | | |
33. | Set border to '3px dotted #33333;' | | |
34. | Body border: 50px #666 ridge | | |
35. | Add border for different columns together | | |
36. | Combined style | | |
37. | border:none is the default. | | |
38. | Border's width cannot be negative because they are inside the margin. | | |
39. | Use nested border | | |
40. | border property, can be used to specify border-width, border-style, and border-color for all four sides at once. | | |
41. | Border cascade | | |