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Login form 4


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/*----Right Panel----*/
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/*----/Right Panel----*/

/*----Footer Panel----*/
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<div id="mainPan">
  <div id="leftPan">
    <div id="leftTopPan">
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    <form action="" method="post">
      <h2>members login</h2>
      <label>Log In:</label>
    <input name="Your name" type="text" id="Yourname" />
    <input name="password" type="password" id="password" />
    <input name="" type="submit" class="button" value="Login" />
    <div id="register"><a href="#">register now</a></div>
    <ul class="linkone">
      <li><a href="#">pit tellus, at</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">iaculis ante</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">ante eget</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">massa. Vestibu</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">lum facilisis.</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Quisque vel est.</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Donec ante</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">velit, eleifend</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">ucont cont,</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">ucont cont,</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">rhoncus</a></li>
  <div id="rightPan">
    <h1>A new begining<br /><span>senectus et netus et<br /> 
    malesuada</span> </h1>
  <h2>About G-Consultant</h2>
  <p><span class="boldtext">G-Consultant is a free, tableless, W3C-compliant web design layout by Template World.</span> This template has been tested and proven compatible with all major browser environments and operating systems. You are free to modify the design to suit your tastes in any way you like.</p>
  <p>We only ask you to not remove <span class="magedacolortext">"Design by Template World"</span> and the link http://www.templateworld.com from the footer of the template.</p>
  <p class="bottompadding">If you are interested in seeing more of our free web template designs feel free to visit our website, Template World. We intend to add at least 25 new free templates in the coming month.</p>
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      <p class="textposition">culis ante  faucibus enim.</p>
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  <h4>g-consultant updates<br /><span>24rth august 2006</span></h4>
  <p><span class="boldtext">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. DonecSed fringilla ligula dolor, eleifend cursus,</span> tincidunt id, tempus id, elitau auguearcu. Nulla pede sapien, varius vitae, </p>
  <p class="bottompadding">Praesent quis ipsum. Ut dui tellus, dapibus vitae,vehicula vitae,aculis ante  congue vel, risus. <span class="magedacolortext">Aenean a pede.</span> Sed fringilla, quam ut facilisis consequat, elit augue suscipit tellus, at iaculis ante ante eget massa. Vestibulum facilisis. Quisque vel est. Donec ante velit,eleifend ucont cont, euismod et, rhoncus eget,sapien. Integer condimentum nunca culis ante  faucibus enim. Pellentesque habitant </p>
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      <p class="textposition">culis ante  faucibus enim.</p>
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  <p class="copyright">>>gconsultant all right reaserved</p>
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  <ul class="templateworld">
    <li>Design By:</li>
  <li><a href="http://www.templateworld.com" target="_blank">Template World</a></li>


Related examples in the same category

1.Login form
2.Login form 2
3.Login form 3
4.Member login form
5.Member login form 2
6.Login section
7.Login form 5
8.Login form 6
9.Login form 7
10.Login form inside the footer
11.Login form 8
12.Login form with registration link
13.Login form 9
14.A login form with submit button
15.Register page
16.Register for e-mail updates