Specify fontWeight and fontStyle in the @font-face and selector blocks
<?xml version="1.0"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"> <mx:Style> @font-face { src:url("a.TTF"); fontStyle: italic; fontWeight: bold; fontFamily: myFont; advancedAntiAliasing: true; } .myBoldItalicStyle { fontFamily:myFont; fontWeight:bold; fontStyle:italic; fontSize: 32; } .mystyle1 { fontFamily:myPlainFont; fontSize: 32pt; } .mystyle2 { fontFamily:myItalicFont; fontSize: 32pt; fontStyle: italic; } </mx:Style> <mx:Panel title="Embedded Fonts Using CSS"> <mx:VBox> <mx:Label width="100%" height="75" styleName="mystyle1" text="The text uses the plain typeface." rotation="15"/> <mx:Label width="100%" height="75" styleName="mystyle2" text="The text uses the italic typeface." rotation="15"/> </mx:VBox> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application>