creates a new bundle for the fr_FR locale at run time. : ResourceBundle « Development « Flex

creates a new bundle for the fr_FR locale at run time.


Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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    <!-- l10n/CreateNewLocaleAndBundle.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
    xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:s="library://"
        import mx.resources.ResourceBundle; 
        import mx.controls.Alert; 
        import flash.display.*; 
        private var locales:Array; 
        private function initApp():void { 
            locales = [ "es_ES","en_US" ]; 
            /* Initialize the ComboBox to the first locale in the locales Array. */ 
            localeComboBox.selectedIndex = locales.indexOf(resourceManager.localeChain[0]); 
        private function registrationComplete():void { 
  'RegistrationForm', 'thanks')); 
        private function comboChangeHandler():void { 
            /* Set the localeChain to either the one-element Array 
            [ "en_US" ] or the one-element Array [ "es_ES" ]. */ 
            resourceManager.localeChain = [ localeComboBox.selectedItem ]; 
        private var newRB:ResourceBundle; 
        private function updateFlag():void { 
            if (resourceManager.localeChain[0] == "fr_FR") { 
                /* Explicitly change the value of the flagImage source when the 
                locale is fr_FR because there was no class at compile time. */ 
                flagImage.source = "../assets/france.gif"; 
            } else { 
                /* Get the class from the resource bundle; this assumes that the classes 
                for all other locales were embedded in the resource bundles at 
                compile time. */ 
                flagImage.source = resourceManager.getClass('RegistrationForm', 'flag'); 
        private function createNewBundle():void { 
            newRB = new ResourceBundle("fr_FR", "RegistrationForm"); 
            newRB.content["registration_title"] = "La Forme d'Enregistration"; 
            newRB.content["submit_button"] = "Soumettez La Forme"; 
            newRB.content["personname"] = "Nom"; 
            newRB.content["street_address"] = "Rue"; 
            newRB.content["city"] = "Ville"; 
            newRB.content["state"] = "Etat"; 
            newRB.content["zip"] = "Code postal"; 
            newRB.content["thanks"] = "Merci de l'enregistrement!"; 
        private function resetApp():void { 
        <s:VerticalLayout />
    <mx:Image id="flagImage" />
    <mx:ComboBox id="localeComboBox" dataProvider="{locales}"
        change="comboChangeHandler()" />
            <mx:TextInput />
            <mx:TextInput />
        <mx:FormItem label="{resourceManager.getString('RegistrationForm','city')}">
            <mx:TextInput />
        <mx:FormItem label="{resourceManager.getString('RegistrationForm','state')}">
            <mx:TextInput />
        <mx:FormItem label="{resourceManager.getString('RegistrationForm','zip')}">
            <mx:TextInput />
    <s:Button id="b1"
        click="registrationComplete()" />
    <mx:HRule width="100%" strokeWidth="1" />
        <s:Button id="b2" label="Add New Bundle" click="createNewBundle();" />
        <s:Button id="b3" label="Reset" click="resetApp();" />


Related examples in the same category

1.Create Replacement Bundle
2.Print the keys and values for all resource bundles in all locales in the ResourceManager.