Update URL with BrowserManager : BrowserManager « Development « Flex

Update URL with BrowserManager

Update URL with BrowserManager

Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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    <!-- deeplinking/UpdateURLExample.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
    xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"
        <s:VerticalLayout />
        import mx.events.BrowserChangeEvent; 
        import mx.managers.IBrowserManager; 
        import mx.managers.BrowserManager; 
        import mx.utils.URLUtil; 
        private var browserManager:IBrowserManager; 
        private function init():void { 
            browserManager = BrowserManager.getInstance(); 
            browserManager.init("", "Welcome!"); 
        public function updateTitle(e:Event):void { 
            browserManager.setTitle("Welcome " + ti1.text + " from " + ti2.text + "!"); 
        private function updateURL(event:Event):void { 
            var s:String = "panel=" + event.currentTarget.selectedIndex; 
        private function logURLChange(event:BrowserChangeEvent):void { 
            ta1.text += "APPLICATION_URL_CHANGE event:\n"; 
            ta1.text += " url: " + event.url + "\n"; // Current URL in the browser. 
            ta1.text += " prev: " + event.lastURL + "\n"; // Previous URL. 
    <mx:TabNavigator id="tn" width="300" change="updateURL(event)">
        <mx:Panel label="Personal Data">
                <mx:FormItem label="Name:">
                    <mx:TextInput id="ti1" />
                <mx:FormItem label="Hometown:">
                    <mx:TextInput id="ti2" />
                <mx:Button id="b1" click="updateTitle(event)" label="Submit" />
        <mx:Panel label="Credit Card Info">
                <mx:FormItem label="Type:">
                            <fx:String>American Express</fx:String>
                <mx:FormItem label="Number:">
                    <mx:TextInput id="ccnumber" />
        <mx:Panel label="Check Out">
            <mx:TextArea id="ta2"
                text="You must agree to all the following conditions..." />
            <mx:CheckBox label="Agree" />
    <mx:TextArea id="ta1" width="580" height="400" />


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