Load swf file with ModuleManager in ActionScript
![Load swf file with ModuleManager in ActionScript](http://www.java2s.com/Code/FlexImages/LoadswffilewithModuleManagerinActionScript.PNG)
Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".
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<!-- modules/ModuleLoaderApp.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" creationComplete="initApp()">
<s:VerticalLayout />
import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
public var info:IModuleInfo;
private function initApp():void {
info = ModuleManager.getModule("movies/ColumnChartModule.swf");
info.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modEventHandler);
/* Load the module into memory. Calling load() makes the
IFlexModuleFactory available. You can then get an
instance of the class using the factory's create()
method. */
info.load(null, null, null, moduleFactory);
/* Add an instance of the module's class to the display list. */
private function modEventHandler(e:ModuleEvent):void {
/* For MX containers, cast to a DisplayObject. */
vb1.addChild(info.factory.create() as DisplayObject);
/* For Spark containers, cast to a UIComponent. */
vg1.addElement(info.factory.create() as IVisualElement);
<!-- MX container -->
<mx:VBox id="vb1">
<s:Label text="Module loaded in MX VBox container:" />
<!-- Spark container -->
<s:VGroup id="vg1">
<s:Label text="Module loaded in Spark VGroup container:" />
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