Loads and unloads the module when you click the button : ModuleLoader « Development « Flex

Loads and unloads the module when you click the button

Loads and unloads the module when you click the button
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
    import mx.modules.*;
    public function createModule(m:ModuleLoader):void {
      m.url = "a.swf";
    public function removeModule(m:ModuleLoader):void {
  <mx:Panel title="Module Example" height="90%" width="90%">
    <mx:TabNavigator id="tn" width="100%" height="100%" creationPolicy="auto">
      <mx:VBox id="vb1" label="Column Chart Module">
        <mx:Button label="Load" click="createModule(chartModuleLoader)" />
        <mx:Button label="Unload" click="removeModule(chartModuleLoader)" />
        <mx:ModuleLoader id="chartModuleLoader" />
      <mx:VBox id="vb2" label="Form Module">
        <mx:Button label="Load" click="createModule(formModuleLoader)" />
        <mx:Button label="Unload" click="removeModule(formModuleLoader)" />
        <mx:ModuleLoader id="formModuleLoader" />


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