Set up the formatters. : Formatter « Data Model « Flex

Set up the formatters.


Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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    <!-- l10n/FormattingExample.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
    xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:s="library://"
    chromeColor="{resourceManager.getUint('FormattingValues', 'CHROMECOLOR')}">
        <s:VerticalLayout />
        <mx:DateFormatter id="dateFormatter"
            formatString="{resourceManager.getString('FormattingValues', 'DATE_FORMAT')}" />
        <mx:DateFormatter id="timeFormatter"
            formatString="{resourceManager.getString('FormattingValues', 'TIME_FORMAT')}" />
        <mx:CurrencyFormatter id="currencyFormatter"
            precision="{resourceManager.getInt('FormattingValues', 'CURRENCY_PRECISION')}"
            currencySymbol="{resourceManager.getString('FormattingValues', 'CURRENCY_SYMBOL')}"
            decimalSeparatorTo="{resourceManager.getString('FormattingValues','DECIMAL_SEPARATOR')}" />
        import mx.resources.ResourceBundle; 
        private var locales:Array = [ "es_ES","en_US" ]; 
        private var dateValue:String; 
        private var timeValue:String; 
        private var currencyValue:String; 
        private var d:Date = new Date(); 
        private function initApp(e:Event):void { 
            localeComboBox.selectedIndex = locales.indexOf(resourceManager.localeChain[0]); 
            // Updating the localeChain does not reapply formatters. As a result, you must 
            // apply them whenever the ResourceManager's change event is triggered. 
            resourceManager.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, applyFormats); 
        private function comboChangeHandler():void { 
            // Changing the localeChain property triggers a change event, so the 
            // applyFormats() method will be called whenever you select a new locale. 
            resourceManager.localeChain = [ localeComboBox.selectedItem ]; 
        private function applyFormats(e:Event):void { 
            dateValue = dateFormatter.format(d); 
            timeValue = timeFormatter.format(d); 
            currencyValue = currencyFormatter.format(1000); 
    <mx:ComboBox id="localeComboBox" dataProvider="{locales}"
        change="comboChangeHandler()" />
        <mx:FormItem label="Date">
            <mx:TextInput id="ti1" text="{dateValue}" />
        <mx:FormItem label="Time">
            <mx:TextInput text="{timeValue}" />
        <mx:FormItem label="Currency">
            <mx:TextInput text="{currencyValue}" />


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