PhoneNumberValidator Custom Event Listener : PhoneNumberValidator « Data Model « Flex

PhoneNumberValidator Custom Event Listener

PhoneNumberValidator Custom Event Listener

Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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    <!-- validators\ValCustomEventListener -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
    xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://">
        <s:VerticalLayout />
        // Import event class. 
        // Define vars for storing text colors. 
        private var errorTextColor:Object = "red"; 
        private var currentTextColor:Object; 
        // Initialization event handler for getting default text color. 
        private function myCreationComplete(eventObj:Event):void { 
            currentTextColor = getStyle('color'); 
        // For an invalid event, change the text color. 
        private function handleInvalidVal(eventObject:Event):void { 
            setStyle('color', errorTextColor); 
        // For a valid event, restore the text color. 
        private function handleValidVal(eventObject:Event):void { 
            setStyle('color', currentTextColor); 
        <mx:PhoneNumberValidator source="{phoneInput}"
            property="text" />
    <s:TextInput id="phoneInput" initialize="myCreationComplete(event);"
        invalid="handleInvalidVal(event);" valid="handleValidVal(event);" />
    <s:TextInput id="zipInput" />


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