Complex MultiPanel : Panel « Container « Flex

Complex MultiPanel

Complex MultiPanel

Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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<!-- deeplinking/ComplexMultiPanelExample.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
    xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://"
        <s:VerticalLayout />
        import mx.managers.IBrowserManager; 
        import mx.managers.BrowserManager; 
        import mx.utils.URLUtil; 
        private var bm:IBrowserManager; 
        private var agreeBoxFromURL:Boolean; 
        private var personNameFromURL:String; 
        private var hometownFromURL:String; 
        private var cctypeFromURL:int; 
        private var ccnumberFromURL:String; 
        private function init():void { 
            bm = BrowserManager.getInstance(); 
            bm.addEventListener(BrowserChangeEvent.BROWSER_URL_CHANGE, parseURL); 
            bm.init("", "Welcome!"); 
        /* This method is called once when application starts up. It is also 
        called when the browser's address bar changes, either due to user action 
        or user navigation with the browser's Forward and Back buttons. */ 
        private function parseURL(event:Event):void { 
            var o:Object = URLUtil.stringToObject(bm.fragment, "&"); 
            if (o.panel == undefined) 
                o.panel = 0; 
            tn.selectedIndex = o.panel; 
            personNameFromURL = o.personName; 
            hometownFromURL = o.hometown; 
            ccnumberFromURL = o.ccnumber; 
            cctypeFromURL = o.cctype; 
            agreeBoxFromURL = o.agreeBox; 
        public function updateTitle(e:Event):void { 
            l1.text += "updateTitle()\n"; 
            bm.setTitle("Welcome " + personName.text + " from " + hometown.text + "!"); 
        private function updateURL():void { 
            /* Called when state changes in the application, such as when the panel changes, 
            or a checkbox is checked. 
            You must wrap the following assignments in a try/catch block, otherwise the 
            application tries to access components that have not yet been created. 
            You can circumvent this by setting the container's creationPolicy to "all", 
            but that is not a good solution for performance reasons. */ 
            try { 
                personNameFromURL = personName.text; 
                hometownFromURL = hometown.text; 
                ccnumberFromURL = ccnumber.text; 
                cctypeFromURL = cctype.selectedIndex; 
                agreeBoxFromURL = agreeBox.selected; 
            } catch (e:Error) { 
            var o:Object = {}; 
            try { 
                o.panel = tn.selectedIndex; 
                o.personName = personName.text; 
                o.hometown = hometown.text; 
                o.ccnumber = ccnumber.text; 
                o.cctype = cctype.selectedIndex; 
                o.agreeBox = agreeBox.selected; 
            } catch (e:Error) { 
            } finally { 
                var s:String = URLUtil.objectToString(o, "&"); 
    <mx:TabNavigator id="tn" width="300" change="updateURL()">
        <mx:Panel label="Personal Data">
                <mx:FormItem label="Name:">
                    <mx:TextInput id="personName" text="{personNameFromURL}"
                        focusOut="updateURL()" enter="updateURL()" />
                <mx:FormItem label="Hometown:">
                    <mx:TextInput id="hometown" text="{hometownFromURL}"
                        focusOut="updateURL()" enter="updateURL()" />
                <mx:Button id="b1" click="updateTitle(event)" label="Submit" />
        <mx:Panel label="Credit Card Info">
                <mx:FormItem label="Type:">
                    <mx:ComboBox id="cctype" change="updateURL()"
                            <fx:String>American Express</fx:String>
                <mx:FormItem label="Number:">
                    <mx:TextInput id="ccnumber" text="{ccnumberFromURL}"
                        focusOut="updateURL()" enter="updateURL()" />
        <mx:Panel label="Check Out">
            <mx:TextArea id="ta2"
                text="You must agree to all the following conditions..." />
            <mx:CheckBox id="agreeBox" label="Agree" selected="{agreeBoxFromURL}"
                click="updateURL()" />
    <mx:TextArea id="l1" height="400" width="300" />


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16.Panel creationComplete and initializePanel creationComplete and initialize
17.Resize Panel with animationResize Panel with animation
18.Enlarge panel to 100% width and 100% heightEnlarge panel to 100% width and 100% height
19.Put controls onto a PanelPut controls onto a Panel
20.Add three Canvas containers to a Panel container, each Canvas having a different colorAdd three Canvas containers to a Panel container, each Canvas having a different color
21.To anchor the Panel perfectly in the center, set both fields to 0To anchor the Panel perfectly in the center, set both fields to 0
22.Replace the Panel containers with Form and FormItem containersReplace the Panel containers with Form and FormItem containers
23.Build Form with PanelBuild Form with Panel
24.Define a Panel container that contains a form as the top-level container in your application.Define a Panel container that contains a form as the top-level container in your application.
25.Panel container provides you with a mechanism for including a title bar, as in a standard GUI window.Panel container provides you with a mechanism for including a title bar, as in a standard GUI window.
26.Set Panel's creationPolicy property to auto, the default valueSet Panel's creationPolicy property to auto, the default value
27.Two Creation PoliciesTwo Creation Policies