Accessing Descendants : loop through « XML « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

Accessing Descendants


  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Main extends Sprite{
    public function Main(){

        var loan:XML = <LOAN>
          <BOOK ISBN="0000000000" DUE="1136091600000">
            <AUTHOR>J, J</AUTHOR>
            <PUBLISHER>Books Ltd</PUBLISHER>
        for each (var title:XML in loan..TITLE) {



Related examples in the same category

1.Processing XML with for-each-in and for-in
2.Use for loop to go through the xml data
3.Create Date object from xml data
4.Use for each loop to access the attributes
5.Iterating through the Children of an Element
6.Use the or for statements to iterate through an XMLList.
7.Tree traversal: converts every element and attribute name to lowercase: