Inserts 10 pixels of space between each line of text : margin « TextField « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

Inserts 10 pixels of space between each line of text


  import flash.display.*;
      import flash.text.*;  
  public class Main extends Sprite{
    public function Main(){
        var tContent:TextField = new TextField();
        tContent.multiline = true;
        tContent.border = true;
        tContent.wordWrap = true;
        tContent.text = "A, ";
        tContent.text += " B";
        tContent.text += " C."
        var tfFormatter:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
        tfFormatter.leading = 10;


Related examples in the same category

1.The leading property controls the spacing inserted between each line of text
2.Make TextField indent
3.Change leftMargin
4.Set rightMargin