Is lastIndexOf case sensitive : case « String « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

Is lastIndexOf case sensitive


  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Main extends Sprite{
    public function Main(){

        var example:String = "Cool. This is a cool as both cool (lowercase) and Cool.";
        var search:String = "cool";
        trace( example.lastIndexOf( search ) );



Related examples in the same category

1.Converting Case
2.Changing the Case of a String
3.The toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() methods are particularly useful for comparing strings in a case-insensitive manner.
4.Convert string to lower case then call the lastIndexOf method
5.To alter the original string, reassign the return value to it, as follows:
6.Initial capitalizing the string
7.toTitleCase( ) converts a string to title case (initial letters capitalized)
8.Using toUpperCase() or toLowerCase() to make sure that two strings are compared without regard to case