Comparison Operators in Actionscript : Comparison Operators « Language « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

Comparison Operators in Actionscript


Operator      Name 
==      Equals 
!=      Not equals 
>      Greater than 
<      Less than 
>=      Greater than or equal 
<=      Less than or equal 


Related examples in the same category

1.Strict equality
2.Number Comparison
3.Checking Equality or Comparing Values
4.The logical inequality operator (!=) returns false if two values are equal and true if they aren't.
5.Use the < and > operators to check if one value is less than or greater than another value:
6.Use the <= and >= operators to check if one value is less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to, another value:
7.When comparing primitive datatypes, ActionScript compares them by value.
8.When you compare composite datatypes, ActionScript compares them by reference.
9.Two composite items are equal only if they both refer to the identical object
10.Equality (==)
11.Greater Than (>) and Less Than (<)
12.Not Equal To (!=)