Assignment Operators : Arithmetic Operators « Language « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

Assignment Operators


Operator      Name      Example      What It Means 
=       Equals (assignment)      x = y      x = y 
+=      Add by value      x += y      x = x + y 
-=      Subtract by value      x -= y      x = x - y 
*=      Multiply by value      x *= y      x = x * y 
/=      Divide by value      x /= y      x = x / y 
%=      Modulo by value      x %= y      x = x % y 
<<=      Left shift by value      x <<= y      x = x << y 
>>=      Right shift by value      x >>= y      x = x >> y 
>>>=      Right shift zero fill by value      x >>>= y      x = x >>> y 
&=      Bitwise AND by value      x &= y      x = x & y 
|=      Bitwise OR by value      x |= y      x = x | y 
^=      Bitwise XOR by value      x ^= y      x = x ^ y 


Related examples in the same category

1.Arithmetic Operators in Actionscript
2.myVariable += 6; is the shorthand version of the following: myVariable = myVariable + 6;
3.myVariable *= 6; is the same as: myVariable = myVariable * 6;
4.Using Mathematical Operators: prefix and postfix
5.Modulo (%)
6.Increment (++) and Decrement ( -- )
7.Compound Assignment Operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, and %=): x += 1; is the same as writing x = x + 1;