Use get and set to define the readable and writable properties : Properties « Class « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

Use get and set to define the readable and writable properties


  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Main extends Sprite{
    public function Main(){

     var crTest:Car = new Car("A", "B", "C");
class Car {
       private var _sMake:String = null;
       private var _sModel:String = null;
       private var _sExteriorColor:String = null;
       public function get make():String {
         return _sMake;
       public function set make(sMake:String):void {
         _sMake = sMake;
       public function get model():String {
         return _sModel;
       public function set model(sModel:String):void {
         _sModel = sModel;
       public function get exteriorColor():String {
         return _sExteriorColor;
       public function set exteriorColor(sExteriorColor:String):void {
         _sExteriorColor = sExteriorColor;
       public function Car(sMake:String,
        _sMake = sMake;
        _sModel = sModel;
        _sExteriorColor = sExteriorColor;


Related examples in the same category

1.Adding Static Properties to a Class: static publicPrivateModifier var propertyName:Datatype;
2.Build a returning value from get property method
3.Use get and set for properties
4.Another option is to use implicit getters and setters.