Three-level inheritance : Inheritance  « Class « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

Three-level inheritance


  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Main extends Sprite{
    public function Main(){

        var cInstance = new C(  );
        cInstance.m();  // Displays: Method m(  ) was called
        cInstance.n();  // Displays: Method n(  ) was called
        cInstance.o();  // Displays: Method o(  ) was called
        trace(cInstance.v);  // Displays: 10

class A {
  public var v = 10;

  public function m (  ) {
    trace("Method m(  ) was called");

class B extends A {
  public function n (  ) {
    trace("Method n(  ) was called");

class C extends B {
  public function o (  ) {
    trace("Method o(  ) was called");


Related examples in the same category

1.Extends the super class
2.A Primer on Inheritance
3.Add new method to the children class
4.Static Methods and Static Variables Not Inherited
5.Constructor Methods in Subclasses
6.If a subclass does not define a constructor, ActionScript automatically creates one and adds a super call as its only statement.
7.Call super constructor with parameter
8.Class Scope: Code placed at the top-level of a class body resides in that class's scope.
9.You can call the superclass implementation from the subclass implementation using the super keyword to reference the superclass: