Insert characters into vector. An iterator to the inserted object is returned : vector insert « Vector « C++

Insert characters into vector. An iterator to the inserted object is returned

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void show(const char *msg, vector<char> vect);

int main() {
  vector<char> v;

  vector<char>::iterator itr;

  itr = v.begin();

  itr = v.insert(itr, 'A');
  itr = v.insert(itr, 'B');
  v.insert(itr, 'C');

  return 0;

void show(const char *msg, vector<char> vect) {
  vector<char>::iterator itr;

  cout << msg << endl;
  for(itr=vect.begin(); itr != vect.end(); ++itr)
    cout << *itr << endl;

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