Use copy to fill values to an array
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
int main( )
const int num_costs = 4;
const float cost[num_costs] = { 4.11, 6.77, 8.88, 9.22 };
copy( cost, cost + num_costs,ostream_iterator<float>( cout, " " ) );
const char* fruit[] = { "A", "B", "C" };
copy( fruit, fruit + sizeof( fruit ) / sizeof( fruit[0] ),
ostream_iterator<const char*>( cout, " " ) );
int year[] = { 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 };
const int num_years = sizeof( year ) / sizeof( year[0] );
copy( year, year + num_years,ostream_iterator<int>( cout, " " ) );
sort( year, year + num_years );
copy( year, year + num_years,ostream_iterator<int>( cout, " " ) );
reverse( year, year + num_years );
copy( year, year + num_years,ostream_iterator<int>( cout, " " ) );
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