Define cast operator to cast stack to int : your stack « Queue Stack « C++

Define cast operator to cast stack to int

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE=100;

class stack {
   int stck[SIZE];
   int tos;
   stack(void) {tos=0;}
   void push(int i);
   int pop(void);
   operator int(void) {return tos;}

void stack::push(int i){
      cout << "Stack is full." << endl;
   stck[tos++] = i;

int stack::pop(void){
      cout << "Stack underrun." << endl;
      return 0;
   return stck[--tos];

int main(void){
   stack stck;
   int i, j;

   for(i=0; i<20; i++)
   j = stck;                  
   cout << j << " items on stack." << endl;
   cout << (SIZE - stck) << " spaces open." << endl;

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