Overloading operator<<() : Inserter Extractor « Overload « C++

Overloading operator<<()

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
class String
       String(const char *const);
       String(const String &);

      char & operator[](int offset);
      char operator[](int offset) const;
      String operator+(const String&);
      void operator+=(const String&);
      String & operator= (const String &);
      friend ostream& operator<<( ostream& theStream,String& theString);
      int GetLen()const { return itsLen; }
      const char * GetString() const { return itsString; }

      String (int);
      char * itsString;
      unsigned short itsLen;

   itsString = new char[1];
   itsString[0] = '\0';

String::String(int len)
   itsString = new char[len+1];
   for (int i = 0; i<=len; i++)
      itsString[i] = '\0';

String::String(const char * const cString)
   itsLen = strlen(cString);
   itsString = new char[itsLen+1];
   for (int i = 0; i<itsLen; i++)
      itsString[i] = cString[i];

String::String (const String & rhs)
   itsString = new char[itsLen+1];
   for (int i = 0; i<itsLen;i++)
      itsString[i] = rhs[i];
   itsString[itsLen] = '\0';

String::~String ()
   delete [] itsString;
   itsLen = 0;

String& String::operator=(const String & rhs)
   if (this == &rhs)
      return *this;
   delete [] itsString;
   itsString = new char[itsLen+1];
   for (int i = 0; i<itsLen;i++)
      itsString[i] = rhs[i];
   itsString[itsLen] = '\0';
   return *this;

char & String::operator[](int offset){
   if (offset > itsLen)
      return itsString[itsLen-1];
      return itsString[offset];

char String::operator[](int offset) const
   if (offset > itsLen)
      return itsString[itsLen-1];
      return itsString[offset];

String String::operator+(const String& rhs)
   int  totalLen = itsLen + rhs.GetLen();
   String temp(totalLen);
   int i, j;
   for (i = 0; i<itsLen; i++)
      temp[i] = itsString[i];
   for (j = 0; j<rhs.GetLen(); j++, i++)
      temp[i] = rhs[j];
   return temp;

void String::operator+=(const String& rhs)
   unsigned short rhsLen = rhs.GetLen();
   unsigned short totalLen = itsLen + rhsLen;
   String  temp(totalLen);
   int i, j;
   for (i = 0; i<itsLen; i++)
      temp[i] = itsString[i];
   for (j = 0, i = 0; j<rhs.GetLen(); j++, i++)
      temp[i] = rhs[i-itsLen];
   *this = temp;

ostream& operator<< ( ostream& theStream,String& theString)
     theStream << theString.itsString;
     return theStream;

int main()
    String theString("Hello world.");
    cout << theString;
  return 0;

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