Here is a simple example that uses typeid : typeid « Development « C++

Here is a simple example that uses typeid

Here is a simple example that uses typeid

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
class myclass1 {
class myclass2 {
int main()
  int i, j;
  float f;
  char *p;
  myclass1 ob1;
  myclass2 ob2;
  cout << "The type of i is: " << typeid(i).name();
  cout << endl;
  cout << "The type of f is: " << typeid(f).name();
  cout << endl;
  cout << "The type of p is: " << typeid(p).name();
  cout << endl;
  cout << "The type of ob1 is: " << typeid(ob1).name();
  cout << endl;
  cout << "The type of ob2 is: " << typeid(ob2).name();
  cout << "\n\n";
  if(typeid(i) == typeid(j))
    cout << "The types of i and j are the same\n";
  if(typeid(i) != typeid(f))
    cout << "The types of i and f are not the same\n";
  if(typeid(ob1) != typeid(ob2))
    cout << "ob1 and ob2 are of differing types\n";
  return 0;


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1.An example that uses typeid on a polymorphic class hierarchyAn example that uses typeid on a polymorphic class hierarchy
2.An example that uses typeid for base and derived classesAn example that uses typeid for base and derived classes
3.Demonstrate runtime type id.
4.typeid for polymorphic class
5.A simple example that uses typeid.
6.Use a reference with typeid.
7.Demonstrating run-time type id.
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9.Demonstrate == and != relative to typeid.Demonstrate == and != relative to typeid.