{ 0, -30 } 30 characters in width, left-justified : String Format « Data Type « Visual C++ .NET

{ 0, -30 } 30 characters in width, left-justified

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System;

int main()

   String^ format = "{0,-30}{1,10}{2,10:c2}";
   String^ header = String::Format(format, "Item", "Quantity", "Price");
   String^ str1 = str1->Format(format, "M", 10, 0.99);
   String^ str2 = str2->Format(format, "G", 1, 12.50);
   String^ str3 = str3->Format(format, "I", 1, 4.99);

   Console::WriteLine(str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3);


Related examples in the same category

1.{ 1, 10 } 10 characters in width, right-justified
2.{ 2, 10:c2 } 10 characters in width, currency with 2 decimal places
3.String::Format("Currency format: {0:c2}", dbl);
4.String::Format("Scientific format: {0:e6}", dbl);
5.String::Format("Fixed-point format: {0:f6}", dbl);
6.String::Format("General format: {0:g6}", dbl);
7.String::Format("Number format: {0:n6}", dbl);
8.String::Format("Percent format: {0:p6}", dbl);
9.String::Format("Round-trip format: {0:r6}", dbl);
10.String::Format("Decimal format: {0:d6}", i);
11.String::Format("General format: {0:g6}", i);
12.String::Format("Number format: {0:n0}", i);
13.String::Format("Hexadecimal format: {0:x8}", i);