binary_search and functor : binary_search « Collections « Visual C++ .NET

binary_search and functor


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cliext/vector>
#include <cliext/functional>
#include <cliext/algorithm>

using namespace System;
using namespace cliext;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;

ref class MyClass{
    String^ Name;
    MyClass() : Name(String::Empty) { }
    MyClass(String^ name) : Name(name) { }
    MyClass(const MyClass% orig){
        Name = orig.Name; 
    MyClass% operator=(const MyClass% orig){
        if (this != %orig)
            Name = orig.Name;
        return *this;
    ~MyClass() { }
    bool operator<(const MyClass^ rhs){
        return (Name->CompareTo(rhs->Name) < 0);
    bool operator>(const MyClass^ rhs){
        return (Name->CompareTo(rhs->Name) > 0);
    bool operator==(const MyClass^ rhs)
        return (Name->Equals(rhs->Name));

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    vector<MyClass^> myCollection; 
    myCollection.push_back(gcnew MyClass("A")); 
    myCollection.push_back(gcnew MyClass("B"));
    myCollection.push_back(gcnew MyClass("C"));
    myCollection.push_back(gcnew MyClass("D"));

    for each (MyClass^ pet in myCollection) 
        Console::Write("{0} ", pet->Name);

    Console::Write("\n\nbinary_search(F,L, v, functor):\n   ");
    Console::Write("C was {0}.", 
        binary_search(myCollection.begin(), myCollection.end(), gcnew MyClass("C"), greater<MyClass^>()) ? "found" : "not found");

    return 0;


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