Remove by key : NameValueCollection « Collections « Visual C++ .NET

Remove by key

#include "stdafx.h"
#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;

void main()
    NameValueCollection^ nvCol = gcnew NameValueCollection();

    nvCol->Add(nullptr, "void");

    nvCol->Set("A", "a");

    nvCol->Add("B", "b1");
    nvCol->Add("B", "b2");
    nvCol->Add("B", "b3");

    nvCol->Add("C", "c1");
    nvCol->Add("C", "c2");
    nvCol->Add("C", "c3");
    array<String^>^ keys = nvCol->AllKeys;



Related examples in the same category

1.Add to NameValueCollection
2.Get all keys from NameValueCollection
3.Get values by key in NameValueCollection
4.Get key and value from a NameValueCollection
5.Adding value to NameValueCollection by indexer