Get key collection and value collection from SortedDictionary
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <system.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
ref class Reverse : public IComparer<int>{
virtual int Compare(int x, int y) { return y - x; }
virtual bool Equals(int x, int y) { return x == y; }
virtual int GetHashCode(int obj) { return obj.GetHashCode(); }
void SortedDictionaryExample(Dictionary<int,String^>^ inDict)
SortedDictionary<int,String^>^ dict = gcnew SortedDictionary<int,String^>(inDict, gcnew Reverse());
SortedDictionary<int,String^>::KeyCollection::Enumerator ^key = dict->Keys->GetEnumerator();
SortedDictionary<int,String^>::ValueCollection::Enumerator ^value = dict->Values->GetEnumerator();
while ( key->MoveNext() && value->MoveNext())
Console::WriteLine("Key = [{0}]\tValue = [{1}]",
key->Current, value->Current);
void main()
Dictionary<int,String^>^ dict = gcnew Dictionary<int,String^>();
dict->Add(1, "One");
dict->Add(6, "Six");
dict->Add(5, "Five");
dict->Add(3, "3");
dict[3] = "Three";
dict[7] = "Seven";
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