Indexed properties 2 : Property « Class « Visual C++ .NET

Indexed properties 2

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;

ref class Numbers
   array<String^>^ ordinals;


          ordinals = gcnew array<String^> { "zero", "one", "two", "three" };

      property String^ default[unsigned int]
         String^ get(unsigned int index)
             return ordinals[index];
         void set(unsigned int index, String^ value)
             ordinals[index] = value;

int main()
   Numbers nums;
   Console::WriteLine( nums[0] );

   Numbers^ nums2 = gcnew Numbers();
   Console::WriteLine( nums2[1] );

   Console::WriteLine( nums.default[2] );
   Console::WriteLine( nums2->default[3] );


Related examples in the same category

1.Array Property
2.Static Property
3.Scalar number Property
4.Defining Index Properties
5.Indexed properties
6.Property accessor delegate
7.Static property
8.Declaring properties
9.Write only property
10.Virtual properties
11.Public properties can be used as named parameters