Finds an attribute with the given name in the given XML node and returns the attribute of the value.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
namespace JeffFerguson.Gepsio
internal static class XmlUtilities
// Finds an attribute with the given name in the given XML node and returns the
// attribute of the value. Returns an empty string if no such attribute exists. Works
// for local names as well as names qualified with a namespace identifier.
internal static string GetAttributeValue(XmlNode Node, string AttributeName)
bool NameIncludesNamespaceId;
if (AttributeName.IndexOf(':') == -1)
NameIncludesNamespaceId = false;
NameIncludesNamespaceId = true;
if (Node == null)
return string.Empty;
if (Node.Attributes == null)
return string.Empty;
foreach (XmlAttribute CurrentAttribute in Node.Attributes)
if (NameIncludesNamespaceId == false)
if (CurrentAttribute.LocalName.Equals(AttributeName) == true)
return CurrentAttribute.Value;
if (CurrentAttribute.Name.Equals(AttributeName) == true)
return CurrentAttribute.Value;
return string.Empty;
// Finds an attribute with the given namespace URI and the given local name in the
// given XML node and returns the attribute of the value. Returns an empty string if
// no such attribute exists.
internal static string GetAttributeValue(XmlNode Node, string AttributeNamespaceUri, string AttributeLocalName)
if (Node == null)
return string.Empty;
if (Node.Attributes == null)
return string.Empty;
foreach (XmlAttribute CurrentAttribute in Node.Attributes)
if (CurrentAttribute.NamespaceURI.Equals(AttributeNamespaceUri) == true)
if (CurrentAttribute.LocalName.Equals(AttributeLocalName) == true)
return CurrentAttribute.Value;
return string.Empty;
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