Thread Test: Sleep Interupt Resume
/* * C# Programmers Pocket Consultant * Author: Gregory S. MacBeth * Email: * Create Date: June 27, 2003 * Last Modified Date: * Version: 1 */ using System; using System.Threading; namespace Client.Chapter_15___Threading { public class ThreadTestSleepInteruptResume { public static int Main() { Thread X = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SecondThread)); X.Start(); //Cause the second thread to resume X.Interrupt(); //Place the second thread in a suspended state X.Suspend(); //do some work and restart the thread X.Resume(); //force this thread to wait until the seond thread is finished X.Join(); return 0; } public static void SecondThread() { Console.WriteLine("Running second thread"); //Place the second thread a sleep infinitly try { Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite); } catch (ThreadInterruptedException e) { Console.WriteLine("Thread Interupted"); } catch(ThreadAbortException e) { Thread.ResetAbort(); } } } }
1. | Thread sleep demo |