Regular expressions: Match : Match « Regular Expressions « C# / C Sharp

Regular expressions: Match

Regular expressions: Match
Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110

  ExampleC_1.cs illustrates the use of regular expressions

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class ExampleC_1 {

  private static void DisplayMatches(string text,
    string regularExpressionString ) {

    Console.WriteLine("using the following regular expression: " +

    // create a MatchCollection object to store the words that
    // match the regular expression
    MatchCollection myMatchCollection =
      Regex.Matches(text, regularExpressionString);

    // use a foreach loop to iterate over the Match objects in
    // the MatchCollection object
    foreach (Match myMatch in myMatchCollection)


  public static void Main()

    string text =
      "But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?\n" +
       "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.\n" +
       "Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,\n" +
       "Who is already sick and pale with grief,\n" +
       "That thou her maid art far more fair than she";

    // match words that start with 's'
    Console.WriteLine("Matching words that start with 's'");
    DisplayMatches(text, @"\bs\S*");

    // match words that start with 's' and end with 'e'
    Console.WriteLine("Matching words that start with 's' and end with 'e'");
    DisplayMatches(text, @"\bs\S*e\b");

    // match words that contain two consecutive identical characters
    Console.WriteLine("Matching words that that contain two consecutive identical characters");
    DisplayMatches(text, @"\S*(.)\1\S*");

    // match words that contain 'u'
    Console.WriteLine("Matching words that contain 'u'");
    DisplayMatches(text, @"\S*u+\S*");

    // match words that contain the pattern 'ai'
    Console.WriteLine("Matching words that contain the pattern 'ai'");
    DisplayMatches(text, @"\S*(ai)\S*");

    // match words that contain the pattern 'ai' or 'ie'
    Console.WriteLine("Matching words that contain the pattern 'ai' or 'ie'");
    DisplayMatches(text, @"\S*(ai|ie)\S*");

    // match words that contain 'k' or 'f'
    Console.WriteLine("Matching words that contain 'k' or 'f'");
    DisplayMatches(text, @"\S*[kf]\S*");

    // match words that contain any letters in the range 'b' through 'd'
    Console.WriteLine("Matching words that contain any letters in the range 'b' through 'd'");
    DisplayMatches(text, @"\S*[b-d]\S*");




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13.Checks if name matches pattern with '?' and '*' wildcards.