Get event handler type : Event « Reflection « C# / C Sharp

Get event handler type


using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

public class Example
    private static object timer;

    public static void Main()
        string fullName = "";
        foreach (Assembly assem in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
            if (assem.GetName().Name == "mscorlib")
                fullName = assem.FullName;
        Assembly sys = Assembly.Load("System" + fullName.Substring(fullName.IndexOf(",")));
        Type t = sys.GetType("System.Timers.Timer");
        timer = Activator.CreateInstance(t);

        EventInfo eInfo = t.GetEvent("Elapsed");
        Type handlerType = eInfo.EventHandlerType;
        MethodInfo invokeMethod = handlerType.GetMethod("Invoke");
        ParameterInfo[] parms = invokeMethod.GetParameters();
        Type[] parmTypes = new Type[parms.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < parms.Length; i++)
            parmTypes[i] = parms[i].ParameterType;



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1.Show Events
2.EventInfo Class discovers the attributes of an event and provides access to event metadata.
3.Use reflection to get the Elapsed event
5.Returns the EventInfo object representing the specified public event.
6.Returns the EventInfo object representing the specified event, using the specified binding constraints.
7.Search for events that are declared or inherited by the current Type, using the specified binding constraints.
8.Returns all the public events that are declared or inherited by the current Type.