Determines whether the member is an indexed property.
#region License
// Copyright 2006 James Newton-King
// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License
// You are free:
// * to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
// * to make derivative works
// * to make commercial use of the work
// Under the following conditions:
// * You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor:
// - If you find this component useful a link to would be appreciated.
// * For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
// * Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace MySpace.Common.IO.JSON.Utilities
internal static class ReflectionUtils
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the member is an indexed property.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="member">The member.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the member is an indexed property; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
public static bool IsIndexedProperty(MemberInfo member)
if (member == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("member");
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = member as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
return IsIndexedProperty(propertyInfo);
return false;
Related examples in the same category
1. | Obtaining member information from a class. | | |
2. | Print Property Info | | |
3. | Type.GetProperties | | |
4. | IsClass, Namespace, FullName, IsAbstract, IsPublic, IsInterface, IsEnum | | |
5. | Determines whether the property is an indexed property. | | |
6. | Get Fields And Properties | | |
7. | Get Properties | | |
8. | Gets a property's value | | |
9. | Gets a property's type | | |
10. | Gets a property's parent object | | |
11. | Get Property from Property path | | |
12. | Copies a field value | | |
13. | Get the names of all the properties of an object | | |
14. | Determine if a property exists in an object | | |
15. | Get the type of the Property. | | |
16. | Set the value of a property that has been declared as an Enum type using reflection | | |
17. | Determine if a property's Type is an enum | | |
18. | Return true> if the specified property name identifies a readable property on the specified object; | | |
19. | Return true> if the specified property name identifies a writeable property on the specified object; | | |
20. | Integration Property To String | | |
21. | Gets the value of a static property on a specific type. | | |
22. | Gets the name of the property held within the expression | | |
23. | Gets the specified attribute from the PropertyDescriptor. | | |
24. | Get a property value given its name | | |
25. | Gets the attributes for this property. | | |
26. | Gets a value indicating whether the property can be read. | | |
27. | Gets a value indicating whether the property can be written to. | | |
28. | Returns an array whose elements reflect the public, non-public get, set, and other accessors | | |
29. | Returns the public or non-public get accessor for this property. | | |
30. | Get an array of all the index parameters for the property. | | |
31. | Get the set accessor for this property. | | |
32. | Returns the value of the property with optional index values for indexed properties. | | |
33. | Gets a MemberTypes value indicating that this member is a property. | | |
34. | Gets the type of this property. | | |
35. | Sets the property value for the given object to the given value. | | |
36. | Searches for the specified property, using the specified binding constraints. | | |
37. | Searches for the public property with the specified name and return type. | | |
38. | Get Non-Pubic Property | | |
39. | Set Non-Pubic Property | | |
40. | Gets a string with all of the properties that are not null. | | |
41. | Get Writable Properties | | |
42. | Get Property Name | | |