Retry Udp Client : Udp Client « Network « C# / C Sharp

Retry Udp Client

Retry Udp Client
C# Network Programming 
by Richard Blum

Publisher: Sybex 
ISBN: 0782141765
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;

public class RetryUdpClient
   private byte[] data = new byte[1024];
   private static IPEndPoint sender = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
   private static EndPoint Remote = (EndPoint)sender;

   private int SndRcvData(Socket s, byte[] message, EndPoint rmtdevice)
      int recv;
      int retry = 0;

      while (true)
         Console.WriteLine("Attempt #{0}", retry);
            s.SendTo(message, message.Length, SocketFlags.None, rmtdevice);
            data = new byte[1024];
            recv = s.ReceiveFrom(data, ref Remote);
         } catch (SocketException)
            recv = 0;

         if (recv > 0)
            return recv;
         } else
            if (retry > 4)
               return 0;

   public RetryUdpClient()
      string input, stringData;
      int recv;
      IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(
                      IPAddress.Parse(""), 9050);

      Socket server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
                     SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

      int sockopt = (int)server.GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout);
      Console.WriteLine("Default timeout: {0}", sockopt);
      server.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, 3000);
      sockopt = (int)server.GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout);
      Console.WriteLine("New timeout: {0}", sockopt);

      string welcome = "Hello, are you there?";
      data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(welcome);

      recv = SndRcvData(server, data, ipep);
      if (recv > 0)
         stringData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, recv);
      } else
         Console.WriteLine("Unable to communicate with remote host");

         input = Console.ReadLine();
         if (input == "exit")
         recv = SndRcvData(server, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input), ipep);
         if (recv > 0)
            stringData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, recv);
         } else
            Console.WriteLine("Did not receive an answer");
      Console.WriteLine("Stopping client");

   public static void Main()
      RetryUdpClient ruc = new RetryUdpClient();


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11.Udp Client Multi Send
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