C# Serialization : Serialization « File Stream « C# / C Sharp

C# Serialization

C# Serialization
A Programmer's Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson

Publisher: Apress  L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3
// 32 - .NET Frameworks Overview\Serialization
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
// file=serial.cs
// compile with: csc serial.cs
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;

public class FrameworksOverviewSerialization
    public static void Main()
        MyRow row = new MyRow();
        row.Add(new MyElement("Gumby"));
        row.Add(new MyElement("Pokey"));
        Console.WriteLine("Initial value");
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", row);
        // write to binary, read it back
        Stream streamWrite = File.Create("MyRow.bin");
        BinaryFormatter binaryWrite = new BinaryFormatter();
        binaryWrite.Serialize(streamWrite, row);
        Stream streamRead = File.OpenRead("MyRow.bin");
        BinaryFormatter binaryRead = new BinaryFormatter();
        MyRow rowBinary = (MyRow) binaryRead.Deserialize(streamRead);
        Console.WriteLine("Values after binary serialization");
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", rowBinary);
        // write to SOAP (XML), read it back
        streamWrite = File.Create("MyRow.xml");
        SoapFormatter soapWrite = new SoapFormatter();
        soapWrite.Serialize(streamWrite, row);
        streamRead = File.OpenRead("MyRow.xml");
        SoapFormatter soapRead = new SoapFormatter();
        MyRow rowSoap = (MyRow) soapRead.Deserialize(streamRead);
        Console.WriteLine("Values after SOAP serialization");
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", rowSoap);

public class MyElement
    public MyElement(string name)
        this.name = name;
        this.cacheValue = 15;
    public override string ToString()
        return(String.Format("{0}: {1}", name, cacheValue));
    string name;
    // this field isn't persisted.
    int cacheValue;
public class MyRow
    public void Add(MyElement my)
    public override string ToString()
        string temp = null;
        foreach (MyElement my in row)
        temp += my.ToString() + "\n"; 
    ArrayList row = new ArrayList();    


Related examples in the same category

1.Use Serializable attribute to mark a generic class
2.Use Serializable attribute to mark a class
3.Deserialize Object
4.Serialize and DeSerialize
5.Three types of Serialization: Binary, Soap, XML
6.Use XML Serialization with Custom ObjectsUse XML Serialization with Custom Objects
7.Working with the Serializable Attribute
8.NonSerialized attributesNonSerialized attributes
9.Serialize hiearchy classesSerialize hiearchy classes
10.Serial Employee class
11.Set XML tag name for Serialization
12.illustrates binary serializationillustrates binary serialization
14.Collection Serialization
15.Serializes an object to binary
16.Deserializes an object from binary
17.Object to string serialization/Deserialization
18.Object to byte array serialization/Deserialization
19.Javascript Serializer
20.Serialize and Deserialize (2)
21.Binary Serializer
22.Deserialize the incomming data to the T datatype, this method used to deserialize the test cases data to the required entity
23.Serialization Utility
24.Serialization Utilities
25.Clone With Serialization