PointD : Geometry « Development Class « C# / C Sharp


using System;
using System.Drawing;

public struct PointD
    public double X, Y;

    public PointD(double X, double Y)
        this.X = X;
        this.Y = Y;

    public static explicit operator PointF(PointD pt)
        return new PointF((float)pt.X, (float)pt.Y);

    public static implicit operator PointD(PointF pt)
        return new PointF(pt.X, pt.Y);

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("({0}, {1})", X, Y);

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return X.GetHashCode() ^ Y.GetHashCode();

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj is PointD)
            return this == (PointD)obj;
        return ((PointF)this).Equals(obj);

    public static PointD operator +(PointD pt, SizeD size)
        return new PointD(pt.X + size.Width, pt.Y + size.Height);

    public static PointD operator -(PointD pt, SizeD size)
        return new PointD(pt.X - size.Width, pt.Y - size.Height);

    public static SizeD operator -(PointD pt1, PointD pt2)
        return new SizeD(pt1.X - pt2.X, pt1.Y - pt2.Y);

    public static bool operator ==(PointD a, PointD b)
        return Misc.CmpDbl(a.X, b.X) && Misc.CmpDbl(a.Y, b.Y);

    public static bool operator !=(PointD a, PointD b) { return !(a == b); }

    public static bool operator <(PointD pt1, PointD pt2)
        return pt1.X < pt2.X && pt1.Y < pt2.Y;

    public static bool operator >(PointD pt1, PointD pt2)
        return pt1.X > pt2.X && pt1.Y > pt2.Y;

    public static bool operator <=(PointD pt1, PointD pt2)
        return pt1.X <= pt2.X && pt1.Y <= pt2.Y;

    public static bool operator >=(PointD pt1, PointD pt2)
        return pt1.X >= pt2.X && pt1.Y >= pt2.Y;

    public static PointD Min(PointD pt1, PointD pt2)
        return new PointD(Math.Min(pt1.X, pt2.X), Math.Min(pt1.Y, pt2.Y));

    public static PointD Max(PointD pt1, PointD pt2)
        return new PointD(Math.Max(pt1.X, pt2.X), Math.Max(pt1.Y, pt2.Y));

using System;
using System.Drawing;

namespace NobleTech.Products.CreatureKingdom.Utils
    public struct SizeD
        public double Width, Height;

        public SizeD(double Width, double Height)
            this.Width = Width;
            this.Height = Height;

        public static SizeD FromAngle(double Angle, double Length)
            return new SizeD(Math.Sin(Angle) * Length, Math.Cos(Angle) * Length);

        public static explicit operator SizeF(SizeD size)
            return new SizeF((float)size.Width, (float)size.Height);

        public static implicit operator SizeD(SizeF size)
            return new SizeD(size.Width, size.Height);

        public static implicit operator SizeD(Size size)
            return new SizeD(size.Width, size.Height);

        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("({0}, {1})", Width, Height);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return Width.GetHashCode() ^ Height.GetHashCode();

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj is SizeD)
                return this == (SizeD)obj;
            return ((SizeF)this).Equals(obj);

        public static bool operator ==(SizeD a, SizeD b)
            return a.Width == b.Width && a.Height == b.Height;
        public static bool operator !=(SizeD a, SizeD b) { return !(a == b); }

        public static SizeD operator +(SizeD size1, SizeD size2)
            return new SizeD(size1.Width + size2.Width, size1.Height + size2.Height);

        public static SizeD operator -(SizeD size1, SizeD size2)
            return new SizeD(size1.Width - size2.Width, size1.Height - size2.Height);

        public static SizeD operator *(double x, SizeD v) { return new SizeD(v.Width * x, v.Height * x); }
        public static SizeD operator *(SizeD v, double x) { return x * v; }
        public static SizeD operator /(SizeD v, double x) { return new SizeD(v.Width / x, v.Height / x); }
        public static SizeD operator %(SizeD v, double x) { return new SizeD(v.Width % x, v.Height % x); }

        public double Length { get { return Math.Sqrt(Width * Width + Height * Height); } }
        public double Angle { get { return Misc.NormaliseAngle(Math.Atan2(Width, Height)); } }


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