Math Util for Xna : Xna « Development Class « C# / C Sharp

Math Util for Xna

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;

namespace Innovation
    public static class MathUtil
        // Generates a projection matrix for a draw call
        public static Matrix CreateProjectionMatrix()
            return Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4,
                / (float)Engine.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height,
                .01f, 1000000);

        // Creates a world matrix
        public static Matrix CreateWorldMatrix(Vector3 Translation)
            return CreateWorldMatrix(Translation, Matrix.Identity);

        // Creates a world matrix
        public static Matrix CreateWorldMatrix(Vector3 Translation,
            Matrix Rotation)
            return CreateWorldMatrix(Translation, Rotation, Vector3.One);

        // Creates a world matrix
        public static Matrix CreateWorldMatrix(Vector3 Translation,
            Matrix Rotation, Vector3 Scale)
            return Matrix.CreateScale(Scale) *
                Rotation *

        // Converts a rotation vector into a rotation matrix
        public static Matrix Vector3ToMatrix(Vector3 Rotation)
            return Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(Rotation.Y, Rotation.X, Rotation.Z);

        // Converts a rotation matrix into a rotation vector
        public static Vector3 MatrixToVector3(Matrix Rotation)
            Quaternion q = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(Rotation);
            return new Vector3(q.X, q.Y, q.Z);


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