Illustrates how to perform INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements using ADO.NET : Update « Database « C# / C Sharp

Illustrates how to perform INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements using ADO.NET

Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110

  Example23_2.cs illustrates how to perform INSERT, UPDATE,
  and DELETE statements using ADO.NET

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public class Example23_2

  public static void DisplayDataTable(
    SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter,
    DataSet myDataSet,
    DataTable myDataTable

    // use the Clear() method of the DataSet object
    // to remove all the rows in the DataSet

    // use the Fill() method of the SqlDataAdapter object
    // to synchronize any changes made to the database
    // with the DataSet object
    mySqlDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "Customers");

    // display the columns for each row in the DataTable,
    // using a DataRow object to access each row in the DataTable
    foreach (DataRow myDataRow in myDataTable.Rows)
      Console.WriteLine("CustomerID = " + myDataRow["CustomerID"]);
      Console.WriteLine("CompanyName = " + myDataRow["CompanyName"]);
      Console.WriteLine("ContactName = " + myDataRow["ContactName"]);
      Console.WriteLine("Address = " + myDataRow["Address"]);


  public static void AddRow(
    SqlConnection mySqlConnection,
    SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter,
    DataSet myDataSet

    Console.WriteLine("\nAdding a new row with CustomerID of 'T1COM'");

    // step 1: formulate a string containing the SQL statement
    string insertString =
      "INSERT INTO Customers (" +
      "  CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, Address" +
      ") VALUES (" +
      "  @CustomerID, @CompanyName, @ContactName, @Address" +

    // step 2: create a SqlCommand object to hold the SQL statement
    SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand();

    // step 3: set the CommandText property of the SqlCommand object to
    // the SQL string
    mySqlCommand.CommandText = insertString;

    // step 4: use the Add() method through the Parameters property
    // of the SqlCommand object to add the parameters to the SqlCommand
    // object
    mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", SqlDbType.NChar, 5);
    mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@CompanyName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 40);
    mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@ContactName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 30);
    mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Address", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 60);

    // step 5: set the parameters to specified values using the
    // Value property
    mySqlCommand.Parameters["@CustomerID"].Value = "T1COM";
    mySqlCommand.Parameters["@CompanyName"].Value = "T1 Company";
    mySqlCommand.Parameters["@ContactName"].Value = "Jason Price";
    mySqlCommand.Parameters["@Address"].Value = "1 Main Street";

    // step 6: use the ExecuteNonQuery() method to run the
    // SQL statement


  public static void ModifyRow(
    SqlConnection mySqlConnection,
    SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter,
    DataSet myDataSet

    Console.WriteLine("\nModifying the new row");

    // step 1: formulate the SQL statement
    string updateString =
      "UPDATE Customers " +
      "SET " +
      "  CompanyName = @CompanyName, " +
      "  ContactName = @ContactName, " +
      "  Address = @Address " +
      "WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID";

    // step 2: create a SqlCommand object to hold the SQL statement
    SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand();

    // step 3: set the CommandText property of the SqlCommand object to
    // the SQL string
    mySqlCommand.CommandText = updateString;

    // step 4: use the Add() method through the Parameters property
    // to add the parameters
    mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", SqlDbType.NChar, 5);
    mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@CompanyName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 40);
    mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@ContactName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 30);
    mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Address", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 60);

    // step 5: set the parameters to values using the Value property
    mySqlCommand.Parameters["@CustomerID"].Value = "T1COM";
    mySqlCommand.Parameters["@CompanyName"].Value = "Widgets Inc.";
    mySqlCommand.Parameters["@ContactName"].Value = "John Smith";
    mySqlCommand.Parameters["@Address"].Value = "1 Any Street";

    // step 6: use the ExecuteNonQuery() method to run the
    // SQL statement


  public static void RemoveRow(
    SqlConnection mySqlConnection,
    SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter,
    DataSet myDataSet

    Console.WriteLine("\nRemoving the new row");

    // step 1: formulate the SQL statement
    string deleteString =
      "DELETE FROM Customers " +
      "WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID";

    // step 2: create a SqlCommand object to hold the SQL statement
    SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand();

    // step 3: set the CommandText property of the SqlCommand object to
    // the SQL string
    mySqlCommand.CommandText = deleteString;

    // step 4: use the Add() method through the Parameters property
    // to add the parameter
    mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", SqlDbType.NChar, 5);

    // step 5: set the parameters to values using the Value property
    mySqlCommand.Parameters["@CustomerID"].Value = "T1COM";

    // step 6: use the ExecuteNonQuery() method to run the
    // SQL statement


  public static void Main()

    // formulate a string containing the details of the
    // database connection
    string connectionString =

    // create a SqlConnection object to connect to the
    // database, passing the connection string to the constructor
    SqlConnection mySqlConnection =
      new SqlConnection(connectionString);

    // formulate a SELECT statement to retrieve the
    // CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, and Address
    // columns for rows from the Customers table
    string selectString =
      "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, Address " +
      "FROM Customers " +
      "WHERE CustomerID IN ('ALFKI', 'T1COM')";

    // create a SqlCommand object to hold the SELECT statement
    SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand();

    // set the CommandText property of the SqlCommand object to
    // the SELECT string
    mySqlCommand.CommandText = selectString;

    // create a SqlDataAdapter object
    SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();

    // set the SelectCommand property of the SqlAdapter object
    // to the SqlCommand object
    mySqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = mySqlCommand;

    // create a DataSet object to store the results of
    // the SELECT statement
    DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();

    // open the database connection using the
    // Open() method of the SqlConnection object

    // use the Fill() method of the SqlDataAdapter object to
    // retrieve the rows from the table, storing the rows locally
    // in a DataTable of the DataSet object
    string dataTableName = "Customers";
    Console.WriteLine("Retrieving a row from the Customers table");
    mySqlDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, dataTableName);

    // get the DataTable object from the DataSet object
    DataTable myDataTable = myDataSet.Tables[dataTableName];

    // display the rows in the DataTable object
    DisplayDataTable(mySqlDataAdapter, myDataSet, myDataTable);

    // add a new row
    AddRow(mySqlConnection, mySqlDataAdapter, myDataSet);
    DisplayDataTable(mySqlDataAdapter, myDataSet, myDataTable);

    // modify the new row
    ModifyRow(mySqlConnection, mySqlDataAdapter, myDataSet);
    DisplayDataTable(mySqlDataAdapter, myDataSet, myDataTable);

    // remove the new row
    RemoveRow(mySqlConnection, mySqlDataAdapter, myDataSet);
    DisplayDataTable(mySqlDataAdapter, myDataSet, myDataTable);

    // close the database connection using the Close() method
    // of the SqlConnection object




Related examples in the same category

1.Use DataTable to update table in Database
2.Update table using SqlDataAdapter
3.Creating Data Tables and Populating Them
4.Using Data Table Mappings
5.Update A DataSource
6.Update Data Using Commond Builder
7.Update Data Using Sql Statements 2