Int32.ToString Method (String, IFormatProvider) : int format « Data Types « C# / C Sharp

Int32.ToString Method (String, IFormatProvider)


using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class ParseInt32
   public static void Main()
      // Define cultures whose formatting conventions are to be used.
      CultureInfo[] cultures = {CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"), 
                                CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("es-ES") };
      int positiveNumber = 9999;
      int negativeNumber = -9999;
      string[] specifiers = {"G", "C", "D8", "E2", "F", "N", "P", "X8"}; 
      foreach (string specifier in specifiers)
         foreach (CultureInfo culture in cultures)
            // Display values with "G" format specifier.
            Console.WriteLine("{0} format using {1} culture: {2, 16} {3, 16}",  
                              specifier, culture.Name, 
                              positiveNumber.ToString(specifier, culture), 
                              negativeNumber.ToString(specifier, culture));


G format using en-US culture:             9999            -9999
G format using fr-FR culture:             9999            -9999
G format using es-ES culture:             9999            -9999
C format using en-US culture:        $9,999.00      ($9,999.00)
C format using fr-FR culture:       9999,00 ?      -9999,00 ?
C format using es-ES culture:       9.999,00 ?      -9.999,00 ?
D8 format using en-US culture:         00009999        -00009999
D8 format using fr-FR culture:         00009999        -00009999
D8 format using es-ES culture:         00009999        -00009999
E2 format using en-US culture:        1.00E+004       -1.00E+004
E2 format using fr-FR culture:        1,00E+004       -1,00E+004
E2 format using es-ES culture:        1,00E+004       -1,00E+004
F format using en-US culture:          9999.00         -9999.00
F format using fr-FR culture:          9999,00         -9999,00
F format using es-ES culture:          9999,00         -9999,00
N format using en-US culture:         9,999.00        -9,999.00
N format using fr-FR culture:         9999,00        -9999,00
N format using es-ES culture:         9.999,00        -9.999,00
P format using en-US culture:     999,900.00 %    -999,900.00 %
P format using fr-FR culture:     999900,00 %    -999900,00 %
P format using es-ES culture:     999.900,00 %    -999.900,00 %
X8 format using en-US culture:         0000270F         FFFFD8F1
X8 format using fr-FR culture:         0000270F         FFFFD8F1
X8 format using es-ES culture:         0000270F         FFFFD8F1



Related examples in the same category

1.Format integer: C
2.Format integer with default formatting
3.Format integer with 3 digits and leading zeros
4.Format integer with 1 decimal digit
5.Format integer as hexadecimal
6.Format integer with eight hexadecimal digits
7.Format integer as octal and binary numbers
8.Use standard numeric format specifier: C
9.Use standard numeric format specifier: D8
10.Use standard numeric format specifier: E4
11.Use standard numeric format specifier: e3
12.Use standard numeric format specifier: F
13.Use standard numeric format specifier: N
14.Use standard numeric format specifier: P
15.Use standard numeric format specifier: X
16.Use standard numeric format specifier: 0,0.000
17.Use standard numeric format specifier: #,#.00#;(#,#.00#)
18.Int32.ToString (IFormatProvider)
19.Int32.ToString Method (String)
20.Int32.ToString Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.
21.double value format vs int value format
22.Add Ordinal Suffix
23.Converts an integer into a roman numeral.